Rep. Cohen Melts Down: ‘To Be President You Need Values,’ Doesn’t Matter if You Have ‘Memory Disability’

7 months ago

COHEN: “It appears to me, and I think it appear to the American public, that these minor discrepancies as far as dates and after a long period of time was not the basis, it was not the basis for your decision to decline to prosecute, it was the fact that you didn’t have the facts. He acted differently than Trump, he voluntarily provided the documents, that he complied with the Justice Department that he didn’t try to obstruct justice. Those were the reasons you didn’t prosecute him, not because he missed a few dates.”
HUR: “Congressman, my reasons for my declination decision are said out in my report, and I stand by the words in the report, sir.”
COHEN: “Well, thank you. And I think I’m encompassing them in my — in my — what I’m saying to you, is that there was not anything to do with his memory why he wasn’t chosen to be — you chose not to indict him, it was the difference in the facts in the case and how he dealt with it. The fact is, Mr. Biden sat through five hours, and he did an admirable job. And he did an outstanding job in the State of the Union laying out the case for the future of America, for — for the middle class, for the freedom, for democracy around the world, for standing up to the Russians, not bending down to them. That’s what’s important. Not if you can be like on the $64,000 question, assuming it was legit, and answering every single question correctly. That’s not what you need to be president. To be president you need to have values, you need to have an understanding of what values America has and needs to maintain to keep the world safe and peaceful. That’s dealing with Ukraine, that’s dealing with difficult people like Netanyahu and Israel to try to get something done that’s correct. That’s what Joe Biden does. And understanding Social Security and Medicare, Medicaid are important institutions that help seniors, not seen out people. I mean, I’ve really object to that comment people see he’s not — nobody suggests he seen out, and that’s disrespectful of senior people with any kind of memory disability. Lots of seniors have memory disability, but they’re not seen out, and to do such with shameful. Joe Biden is a competent good president who knows American values. I turn —“
Jordan: “Gentleman’s time has expired.”

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