Katie Britt Makes All Her Mouth-Breathing Haters Look Stupid In Interview Talking About The Border

11 months ago

I can't tell you how exhausting it has been listening to the Left AND sadly the Right dissing Sen. Katie Britt for her SOTU rebuttal last week. And while I understand why some people may have struggled with her delivery (even I felt like it was a bit practiced) the content of what she had to say was spot on, especially for a party like the GOP that needs desperately to connect with suburban women again. There has never been a better time to reach out to 'soccer moms' than now, as Biden and Democrats openly work to erase women and destroy girls' sports so that mentally unwell men feel better about playing dress-up. Honestly, I expected the Left to act like listless shiznits because that's who they are, but people on the Right? Pretty please, with sugar on it, knock it off. Not to mention, when you see Britt in other interviews she's pretty damn good.

Like this one: “The cartels are making record-shattering profits from human trafficking. Historic numbers of migrants are dying at the border. And fentanyl poisonings and brutal murders are killing hundreds of Americans per day. I won’t stop exposing this catastrophic suffering.” -- This is a much different woman from who we saw last Thursday night. And I'm here for it, especially watching the Left meltdown over this one as well: Lovely Dead @lovelydedinside: “Yet, Republican House does nothing to stop the Cartels but gaslight and project--just as Katie Britt is doing.” -- YoungMi🌊🌊🌊 @youngmir: “Shame on you, Katie.” -- Shame on her for what? Calling out drug cartels and sex traffickers? Weird flex. -- Chuck Throckmorton @ChuckThrock: “Will you at least stop lying?” -- Harry Bergeron @Tysenberg: “TAKE. THE. PERFORMANCE. DOWN. A. NOTCH.” -- Wow, these people are stupid. No wonder they hate a smart woman like Katie. Yup, I said what I said.

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