Rep. Lateefah Simon Yells "Racism!" As Rep. Al Green's Tantrum Gets Him Kicked To The Curb

5 hours ago

Posted • March 5, 2025: Last night, in a historic moment marking the beginning of his second term, the President of the United States delivered his inaugural address to Congress, a speech intended to outline his administration’s vision for the years ahead. However, the occasion was marred by the disruptive behavior of a particularly discourteous Democrat Representative, who repeatedly interrupted the President, derailing the solemnity of the event. Despite multiple stern requests from the Speaker of the House to take his seat and hold his tongue, the Representative persisted, ultimately leading to his dramatic expulsion from the Chamber. As he made his exit, Republican lawmakers jeered at his lack of decorum, a reaction that one female observer— eager to stir controversy—swiftly labeled as 'racist'. —— Rep. Lateefah Simon (D-CA) says that Republicans yelling at Rep. Al Green to sit down as he interrupted President Trump “was like watching something in a history class of racists yelling at an elderly black man.”

It amazes me that MSNBC still has any audience left at this point. To be fair, it is a small audience. The Democrat party has one parlor trick. And that parlor trick is getting really, really old. It's a bit like the 'Boy Who Cried Wolf' at this point. Nothing says democrats are relevant like a 80 year old man yelling at you an threatening you with his cane. He was interrupting a whole room full of people, but the participants asking him to sit down were the problem. —— Elderly black man stands up shouting waving his cane at the US President interrupting his speech - Democrats say Trump interrupted Al Green - you cannot make this crap up. You don't get to heckle the President during the state of the union address just because you're black and will cry racism if you're not given special permission to do so. That's not how it works. When they claim racism, you know they have no argument. Lord thank you for blessing me with such weak enemies. This doesn't work anymore.

Democrats can't accept those days are over. America is tired of all of the 'critical race theory' and the 'woke' nonsense. The Left does not get to use that as a cudgel anymore. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Rep. Lateefah Simon Yells ‘Racism!’ as Green’s Tantrum Gets Him Kicked to the Curb

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