MZTV 1429: Who Is Worse Off—An Occultist or a Christian?

11 months ago

While it seems incredible at first, the Christian world is worse than the world of the occult because, in the occult world the demons generally identify themselves. The occultist knows what he/she is working with. In the Christian religion, however, where the name of God is defamed through the teaching of Eternal Torment, and where the human becomes his/her own savior through the teaching of Human Free Will, the malevolent spirits disguise themselves as messengers of light. God is not generally defamed in the world of the occult, but His essence is warped beyond repair in the Christian assembly.

When a person enters the Christian world, he or she is thought to be safe from demonic influence. Such people receive positive reinforcement from the entire community, from their friends, their family, and certainly from the church leaders and attendees. Yet here they are in worse danger of honoring and worshipping Satan than in the world of the occult. But this is understating it. They are not only in danger of it but, simply by attending, are DOING IT. Because, again, Satan worship here is hidden behind appealing systems, an agreeable environment, and professional clergymen.

MZ/IB Archive - WCCD Grace Café: Christian Doctrines Turn The World From God (Day 9, Hour 2):


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