#病毒溯源:20240308 扬.杰基莱克 和 罗伯特.W.马龙 博士: #新冠有毒蛋白质,令人不安的真相(中英双语机器字幕)

1 year ago

#病毒溯源:20240308 扬.杰基莱克 和 罗伯特.W.马龙 博士: #新冠有毒蛋白质,令人不安的真相(中英双语机器字幕)

新冠病毒源自中共武汉病毒研究所。然而时至今日,有关方面仍在竭力向公众隐瞒这一事实。经济、生态和流行病学系统的数学生物学家和研究员亚历克斯-沃什伯恩(Alex Washburne)最近发表了一篇文章——新冠病毒实验室泄漏的所有证据。

The Disturbing Truth About COVID’s ‘Toxic Protein’
The virus that causes COVID-19 is now understood to have originated in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. Yet there is still, to this day, a concerted effort to hide this fact from the public.
Alex Washburne, a mathematical biologist and researcher of economic, ecological, and epidemiological systems, recently released an article, synthesizing all evidence surrounding the COVID-19 lab leak theory.

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