PRESIDENT TRUMP- The Significance of the Number 7- Robert Sepehr 11 24 2023

1 year ago

Robert Sepehr did a complete show on President Trump from 3 months ago. The whole show is here:
Since this is well researched and accurate PLEASE do not construe that the TRUMP line is JEWISH. If you listen to all 24 minutes you will find out this is only because of the CONFUSION about the True Orthodoxy that goes back to the HOLY LAND and CHRIST and then the GERMANS. And the reason that JUAN was in ANTARCTICA recently? This is about NEU Swabialand. That as the New "settlement" after the WAR where 42,000 women were sent and with very few men the technology was available to "incubate" children outside of the womb. Recalling that the Germans technology was perhaps 50-100 years AHEAD of what we have in the USA. Why? This is because of the ENVIRONMENT of the Hot Springs under ICE city that now may contain 1 million people. All of Aryan decent. Was the HOLOCAUST real? Many say that ever since WWII the TRUTH has been very different than what is in the History Books. Tom Numbers:
Here is the show that I put up on Trump in front of the Flag with no stars.
As the CIC Trump has been giving out many comms and most that few understand. In past shows Juan has explained how the Naval Flags are used in the "colors" of his ties. One is his Red and White Stripe tie he wore in Jerusalem the same as he wore in the Rally today 3 9 24 in ROME, GA... coincidence? I don't think so. This color stripe is NUMBER 7. (Trumps numbers when he was inaugurated on 1 20 2021- a Palindrome number- when he was 70 years 7 months and 7 days old) meaning INTERNATIONALLY "you are running into danger". If you are not military (or do not understand the danger or what your "station" is). The Knot is a Double Windsor and In Ian Fleming's novel From Russia, with Love, Chapter 25 is entitled "A tie with a Windsor knot". James Bond, traveling on the Orient Express, is met by a supposed fellow British agent, who wears "the dark blue and red zigzagged tie of the Royal Artillery, tied with a Windsor knot".
Seven has great significance to the TRUMP FAMILY and the title Page is the SEVEN POINTED STAR which Juan went and stood next to at the END of this Presentation here:
The number 7 is the foundation of God's word. It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to creation and symbolizes completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). It is found in its singular form 463 times in the King James translation, with the most occurrences recorded (54 times each) both in Scripture's first book (Genesis) and its last (Revelation).

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