13 - 2.10: Settling in the Hearts | Audiobook | Goliath | by Max Blumenthal

7 months ago

13 - 2.10: Settling in the Hearts | Audiobook | Goliath, Life and Loathing in Greater Israel | By: Max Blumenthal | Narrated by: Richard Powers | Released 2013

Chapters (Book Playlist @ https://rumble.com/playlists/UhN6ZQrt8iI)
Opening Credits
Dedication and Epigraph
Preface: Covering "Goliath"

Part I: The Campaigns
1.1: To the Slaughter
1.2: The Peace Camp
1.3: Blood for Votes
1.4: The Hill of Shame
1.5: Hooligans
1.6: Pawns in the Game
1.7: This Man Is Clean
1.8: The Salesman

Part II: Laws of the Land
2.9: Number 1
2.10: Settling in the Hearts ◄◄◄
2.11: Banning Books
2.12: The Fortress of Democracy
2.13: Cut Off from the Tribe
2.14: The Robbed Cossack
2.15: Judaization
2.16: Homogeneity
2.17: At the Heavy Gates of Gaza
2.18: Beethoven for Gaza
2.19: The Zionist

Part III: Pirates of The Mediterranean
3.20: Dark Forces
3.21: The People, United
3.22: The Enemies
3.23: By Right and Not Grace
3.24: The Silence of the Lambs
3.25: Defensive Democracy
3.26: Caliber 3: "The Values of Zionism"

Part IV: Outcasts
4.27: A Lesson in Israeli Democracy
4.28: Just Being a Guy
4.29: Leaving Haifa

Part V: What Lies Beneath the Forest
5.30: The Days of ’48 Have Come Again
5.31: The Blue Print
5.32: The Summer Camp of Destruction
5.33: Preparing the Land for Jesus
5.34: There Are No Facts

Part VI: The Year of Democracy
6.35: These Things That Were Done to Us
6.36: The Forbidden Tour
6.37: Bleeding over the Party
6.38: A Date with the Devil
6.39: Delegitimization
6.40: The Explainers
6.41: The Real Government
6.42: It Is No Dream

Part VII: Feeling the Hate
7.43: Riding the Ass
7.44: The Revolutionaries
7.45: Zion Square
7.46: The Israeli Experience
7.47: Ultras
7.48: The Best Time of Their Lives
7.49: The Base

Part VIII: Indoctrination Mills
8.50: The Prophets
8.51: Change from Within
8.52: The Insiders
8.53: The Hunted
8.54: Canceling the Other Narrative
8.55: The Beauty Brigade
8.56: Lifelong Draftees

Part IX: This Belongs to the White Man
9.57: How to Kill Goyim and Influence People
9.58: The Daughters of Israel
9.59: Children Whose Hearts Were Unmoved
9.60: When Kahane Won
9.61: This Belongs to the White Man
9.62: The Concentration Camp
9.63: The Night of Broken Glass

Part X: The Big Quiet
10.64: The Big Quiet
10.65: The Joint Struggle
10.66: My Mother Before Justice
10.67: The Crazy Village
10.68: Night
10.69: The Children’s Court
10.70: The Lovers’ Camp
10.71: A Wet Dream
10.72: The Shadows and Mirrors Game
10.73: The Exodus Party

End Credits

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