No Age Ontology Introduction

11 months ago

No Age Ontology is a compendium of ancient spiritual, ontological Wisdom teachings which aim to guide the individual towards total Liberation from the bondage of time. No Age Ontology rejects the notion of a fixed, essential nature of phenomena and living beings based on permanent identities and recognizes that an entity’s identity is shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including cultural and social context, individual experience and habitual tendencies which are ever changing and impermanent. No Age Ontology encourages us to rethink all our assumptions about time and to recognize that the diversity and complexity of human perception and experience is nothing but an illusion.

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No age Ontology ►►►

The seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►

The infinite faces of God ►►►

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