"Hungry Deer Bites Woman's Finger"

7 years ago

"All kinds of accidents can happen during an outing in nature. You can get stung by a bee, chased by a bear and even bitten by a deer! If you think that deer are easily frightened animals that feed mainly on leaves and plants, you certainly haven’t seen this video yet! The story begins with a woman on an outing in nature. She is having some snacks with her friends and decides to share a few pieces of chips with a deer that happened to stop by. The cutest little scene of a deer enjoying the snacks that the woman so kindly offered suddenly changes completely! Hungry and eager for the chips, the deer almost bites of the poor woman’s finger! That’s what we call overstaying your welcome! Fortunately, nobody is injured. We can all forgive the deer for mistaking a thumb for a delicious snack, and have a great laugh about it!"

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