Nikki Haley Says She Doesn’t Feel Bound by the RNC Pledge to Support the Eventual Republican Nominee

6 months ago

WELKER: “Have you taken the prospect, the possibility of endorsing him off the table at this point?
Haley: “It’s not anything I think about. What I have said is — “
WELKER: “But is it off the table, Ambassador? It sounds like you are in a different place. Are people misinterpreting what you’re saying? Have you moved to a place where you’re no longer planning to endorse him?”
Haley: “Well, I think, first of all, if you talk about an endorsement, you’re talking about a loss. I don’t think like that. When you’re in a race, you don’t think about losing, you think about continuing to go forward. What I can tell you is, I don’t think Donald Trump or Joe Biden should be president. I don’t think that we need two candidates in their 80s. I don’t think we want a Joe Biden, who calls his opponents fascists, or a Donald Trump, who calls his opponents vermin. No one wants that. I think people want a new generational leader that is going to go back to what the American dream is, what we want for our kids, and a place that’s something that we can be proud of again.”
WELKER: “Let me try it this way. You did sign a pledge, an RNC pledge, to support the eventual nominee. Do you still feel bound by that pledge?”
Haley: “I have always said that I have serious concerns about Donald Trump. I have even more concerns about Joe Biden.”
WELKER: “So, is that a no? Are you bound by the RNC pledge?”
Haley: “The RNC pledge — I mean, at the time of the debate, we had to take it to where, ‘Would you support the nominee,’ and in order to get on that debate stage, you said yes. The RNC is now not the same RNC. Now it’s Trump’s daughter-in-law — “
WELKER: “So you’re no longer bound by that pledge?”
Haley: “No, I think I’ll make what decision I want to make. But that’s not something I’m thinking about. And I think that while you all think about that, I’m looking at the fact that we had thousands of people in Virginia, we’re headed to North Carolina, we’re going to continue to go to Vermont and Maine and all these states to go and show people that there is a path forward. And so, I don’t look at what ifs. I look at, how do we continue the conversation?”is vice president. And he was silent.

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