20240302 Day 692 Part-1 - Precor Bike Conditioning, Toes to Bar

11 months ago

20240302 Day 692 Part-1
Precor Bike Conditioning,
Firstborn Trials,
25Km/15.5Mi Distance Goal,
Sub-52:00 Minutes Time Goal,
Level-10 Resistance,
231-339 Watts FTP,
BW: 153.3Lbs/69.681Kg,
3.315-4.865 Watts/Kg FTP,
20:48, 247Kcal @10Km/6.22Mi First Checkpoint,
42:03, 495Kcal @20Km/12.44Mi Second Checkpoint,
52:23, 628Kcal @25Km/15.55Mi Endpoint,
Sub-52:00 Minutes Time/Distance Goal: FAILED,
Aspirant: FAILED
And there it is. The travel, the training volume and to be honest, the emotional impact of the past week in Kansas City finally caught up to me. I went from 339 to 319 to 231 Watts at an RPE of 7, 8 and 9 respectively!! That last 5 Kilometers I just couldn’t make my legs go any faster 🤷🏿‍♂️
Fatigue is the true master of us all. Eventually, no matter how much capacity you build, if you don’t manage it properly you WILL LOSE 😂
I lost today. I am a failed Aspirant. That’s only in one context. In another, today is a big win. It means I’ve hit the wall, crested the wave or whatever metaphor you chose to use and kept moving. Another day or 2 and once the fatigue is ameliorated, the resulting supercompensation should push me to even higher levels of capacity.
Embrace fatigue, and welcome failure. While they can be unpalatable, they can also be the best teachers.
Lastly, all that said, don’t be satisfied with failure or mediocrity. Have personal accountability and be held to a higher standard.
I finished with my daily toes to bar 10x10 and shut it down.
People are counting on you so take care of yourself 🤙🏿
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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