‘This Drug Is Toxic to the Heart, Period’: Marc Siegel on Marijuana

11 months ago

Ingraham: “Dr. Siegel, 25% higher likelihood of heart attacks, 42% higher risk of strokes. But Ashley’s point, not bad one, right? It’s correlation, not causation. But there are a lot of other psychological disorders that have been documented, Harvard researchers, international researchers. But the reflexive defense is it’s not as bad as alcohol, dr. Siegel.”
SIEGEL: “First of all, I’m not going to let her off the hook on the heart. There has been multiple studies in the past that have shown toxicity of marijuana on the heart. We are talking about tar, we are talking about carbon monoxide, we are talking about THC itself, which increases heart rate and she knows this. And it increases stress on the heart. This study looked at 430,000 people, Laura, and you could say it’s observational but it follows several studies including one out of Baltimore that was not observational. This drug is toxic to the heart, period. Even if you took out the THC part. We know tar is toxic to the heart, we know carbon monoxide side is. We know it’s toxic to the lungs, we know it causes lung cancer, we know that it is correlated with emphysema. By the way, what Ashley is doing with all good intentions is doing what is already happening to society is people think oh, it’s becoming legal, it’s good for you. It’s fine. So the awareness of what I’m talking about now, developmental delays in children, effects on pregnant women, early childbirth. Psychological damage, all of that is being obscured. Oh, it’s legal it must be good for you. The idea of what you just said while other things are bad for you, so why not this one be legal since alcohol is legal? Well, Laura, alcohol is legal because I can’t stop it. But that’s like saying let’s make fentanyl legal. Why Don’t We make fentanyl legal while we are making marijuana legal? Why Don’t We make no speed limit at all? Let’s all go 100 miles an hour while smoking weed.”

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