20240223 Day 684 Part-2 - Post-Conditioning Mobility & Abs

11 months ago

20240223 Day 684 Part-2
Post-Conditioning Mobility & Abs
With the increase in conditioning volume the past few weeks I need to make it a point to upkeep my mobility with greater frequency.
This mobility flow I do came about from the need to do something in order to maintain the end ranges I need for dancing and martial arts but also work as 1-stop shopping for my lifting and conditioning.
I basically combine a bunch of positions I may find myself in while in motion or under load and move through them briefly pausing and teasing out the end ranges of each. I started making this a habit after attending the Pain Free Performance Certification Course in San Diego a few years back and (knock on wood) I’ve been injury free since its implementation.
Still feeling a bit stiff, I did some very specific, targeted rolling following my mobility flow.
After mobility, I went into my toes to bar. I did another iteration of high-er volume but only 15 sets as opposed to the 20 I did yesterday. This batch puts me right at 105,000 total this training period since 11 April 2022 💪🏿
Stay in the fight 🇺🇸🇰🇪
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