All the wicked will pay and those who do not follow Jesus

1 year ago

Jesus is coming to get His bride before the tribulation period begins and it will begin, God has had it with the wicked and will make them pay!! The tribulation will be hell on earth and WW3 will break out to, America will be destroyed completely, Israel will be alone against it's enemies, lukewarm phony church going crowd will all be left behind and will have to decide between Jesus and dying or choosing the antichrist and ending up in the lake of fire forever! There is no middle ground anymore, and Easter is a pagan holiday about Ishtar and sex!! It has been around since nimrod was on earth!! It is a wicked pagan holiday that God hates and all the lukewarm phony church going crowd do not care, God was angry at the Jews for celebrating Ishtar and bowing down to baal, God sent Babylonians to destroy Jerusalem and Persians and Assyrians, then the Romans destroyed the temple in ad 70 and crushed it, God hates Easter, lent, Palm Sunday, good Friday, sunrise services, Easter egg hunts, easter, mother day, father day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, all pagan holidays from nimrod and ancient Babylon!! Stop celebrating pagan holidays!!

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