20240222 Day 683 Part-2 - Post-Conditioning Abs & Lower Back

11 months ago

20240222 Day 683 Part-2
Post-Conditioning Abs & Lower Back
After back to back lifting on Tuesday and Wednesday, today was an active recovery day. With that in mind, I cranked up the abdominal training to upkeep my spine and because it’s extra training that’s minimally fatiguing.
The “main lift” then was Toes to Bar just double the usual per session volume at 20 sets of 10 for 200 reps total. I did this in 10 cluster sets for expediency keeping the training density or, work per unit volume of time high.
Then I transitioned into some isometric work hitting the midsection from all angles. To finish the abdominals I did a minute of quasi-isometric “Dying Bugs” or, Deadbugs with some hip and shoulder joint oscillation.
Then I did a minute of side bridges. These are great for spine health and the obliques. Since they’re isometric, you can improve oblique strength without adding width or thickness to the waistline. These are a great tool to learn how to disassociate your neck from your shoulder tension. A strong recommendation for those of us with long hours in an office.
Last, I did a minute of Birddogs or “Quadruplex” for the lower back and the little muscles along the spine like the Multifidi. A key performance point is to keep that back foot dorsiflexed and the toes just barely off the ground and not up at hip height.
And that’s it. A good conditioning session, some extra fortification for the spine and midsection and a frosty 7x shake to top it off. It’s a good way to start off a productive day.
Stay in the fight 🇺🇸🇰🇪
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