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Debunking Ace Baker - "The Key" CGI & Video Fakery Plane Compositing Theory

1 year ago

Out of the Archives

While I agree with this video analysis by Saultrain, that 'Luma Keying' compositing was impossible. I don't agree "real" planes were used or involved in the crashes at the WTC, Pentagon or Shanksville, although many eyewitnesses did see planes in the sky and crash, so this rules out CGI and video fakery. Some type of 'image projection' technology was used to broadcast an image of a plane in the sky. This hypothesis is the only explanation that can explain all the anomalies captured in the video evidence record of 'Flight 175' regarding the missing wings of the plane for 6 frames, the impossible crash physics and impossible speed the plane was travelling at in the videos.

Video Notes:

In the video entitled "07 The Key" conspiracy theorist Collin Alexander, a.k.a., Ace Baker, claims that, "The key to solving 9/11 is something called a 'key'". The "key" he's referring to is a video editing tool called a "luma-key" which he alleges was used by the TV news media to insert a fake CGI plane into the live broadcasts of the twin tower attacks on 9/11. Despite his efforts, his ill-conceived theory ultimately fails, i.e., it can't replicate what is seen in the live footage of the 2nd plane impacting the WTC. I demonstrate in this presentation that the live footage itself contains a dead giveaway that a luma key could not have been used.

In my video, I paraphrase Ace's answer to the flame-over-nose problem which, as explained, proves his theory impossible. To be fair, below is a link to Alexander's "9/11 Research Blog" where he gives you his answer to the problem in his own words (yes, HE'S ADMITTING THAT I'M RIGHT ABOUT THE LUMA KEY FLAW).

Also note that he admits he was wrong about no plane being in the wide shot. This Blog entry is from 2009. His latest YouTube upload of "07 The Key" was published May 29, 2012 (three years later). He's made no correction to the video, not even in the description.

Ace Bakers blog: https://acebaker.blogspot.com/2009/08/

(What do you call someone who continues to propagate information--as truth--that he KNOWS to be false? I think most would agree that "liar" is an accurate label.) Original YT source has been removed by YouTube

Follow the work of Mark Conlon - 9/11 Planes Research https://911planesresearch.blogspot.com

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