The continuous 20 move combo

1 year ago

Full-body muscular strength and endurance toner with deep stretch 
Warm Up: Jogging on spot, leg kicks, leg driver 10 of each move, shoulder circles 10 fwd/bk, 
5 walk-outs.
Main Workout: 
20 moves 1 minute of each continuous circuit with contrasting moves and active recovery moves.
1. Jump squats 
2. Crab position: toe taps 
3. Press-ups 
4. Lunge/plyo lunge 
5. Plank shoulder-elbow-hip tap combo
6. Sumo squats 
7. Sit up, hip up.
8. Jump into backward hops.
9. Mountain Climber
10. Body extension 
11. Jump squats 
12. Crab position: toe taps 
13. Press-ups 
14. Lunge/plyo lunge 
15. Plank shoulder-elbow-hip tap combo
16. Sumo Squats 
17. Sit up, hip up.
18. Jump into backward hops.
19. Mountain Climber
20. Body extension 
Cool down/Recovery
Deep stretch regeneration flow
Childs pose: upward/downward dog, side-lying quad stretch, kneeling hip flexor, seated inner thigh
Standing hamstring combined with chest stretch, standing lat stretch, or tricep stretch.

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