Metabolic blaster: 3 is the magic number

1 year ago

Warm Up: 
Hip Opener, Torso Twist, Knee Grabs, Cross Body Reach and Toe Touch, Strider Dynamic Stretch, 
Main Workout: 
3 min: 10 squat thrusts, 10 elbows to knees, 50 static sprints 
3 min, 50 mountain... 6 body extensions, reach 20 jump squats 
3 minutes, 10 speed skaters, 5 walkouts, 10 plyo lunges 
x 2 with a 1-minute recovery between sets 
5 Minute Core Finisher 
1. Plank
2. Crab Toe Taps
3. Sit Up to Hip Up 
4. Plank Jacks 
5. Side plank leg and arm up for 30 sec. ES 
Cool down/Recovery
Childs pose: upward/downward dog, side-lying quad stretch, kneeling hip flexor, seated inner thigh
The standing hamstring is combined with a chest stretch, a standing lat stretch, and an or tricep.

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