Feel Fantastic 30

11 months ago

Regeneration/Core/Recovery Combo 
Mobility: Core: Stretch Giant Sets 
Warm Up: 
Integrated into the Main Workout 
Main Workout: 
1 minute for each exercise Flow through all 30 exercises.
Mobility, Core, and Stretch 

Hip opener, plank, and quad stretch 
Walk Outs: Back Ext Reacher: Children Pose 
Shoulder circles; Kneeling Superman; Strider dynamic stretch 
Leg Kicks, Cruncher Puncher, Seated Hamstring 
Stride back heel planter; sit up to hip up; side lying quad/hip
Side-side chops; plank knee taps; cat- Cat-Cow 
Wide leg chest/torso opener; alternate limb raises; kneeling hip flex
Standing Elbow to Knee, elbow-knee, Standing Hamstring 
Knee grabs, long arm or leg scissors, tree hugger back stretch 
Torso twists; vertical toe touch; upward/downward dog 

Cool down/Recovery
Integrated into the Main Workout

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