Cardio Club: cardio exercise combination 40/20

1 year ago

40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of recovery 
25 exercises done back-to-back, circuit-style 
Warm Up: 
The hip opener, leg kicks, strider, cross-body reach toe tap, body extension reacher, shoulder circles fwd/bk, chest expansion 
10 reps of each
x 2 
Main Workout: 

Butt kicks high energy 
Mountain climber: variation of a moving climber: 6 reps, then shuffle across
Grass Hoppers 
Walk-outs/inch worms 
Elbow to knee high energy 
Squat Thrust 
Shuffle fast feet left-right with a hand floor tap in front. 
Sprint on-spot arms pumping
High knees with a pull-down 
Squatting cross punches 
Plank Jacks. 
Speed skaters 
Cross-body cross-overs 
Lateral jumps 
Rocket jumps 
Cross-country skier swing Just arms 
High-energy rotational chops 
Running Lunge 
Spotty dog 
Plank Jacks

22.Mountain climber
23. Sprint on the spot 
24.Plank Jacks 
25.Mountain Climber
2 minutes of easing off and marching on the spot
Cool down/Recovery
Childs pose: upward/downward dog, side-lying quad stretch, kneeling hip flexor, seated inner thigh
Standing hamstring is combined with chest stretch, standing lat stretch, or tricep.

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