Stretch and Learn

1 year ago

Warm Up: Cardio pulse raiser and mobility 
Marching on the spot
Hip opener
Speed ball
Side step-outs 
Spotty Dog 
Torso twists
30 seconds all 
x 3 
Main workout: 
Guided Stretch Session 
12 Stretches taught as a Flexibility Sequence 
1. Stronger dynamic stretch 
2. Kneeling hip flexor 
3. Cat-Cow 
4. Childs Pose 
5. Upward/downward dog
6. Seated hamstring 
7. Side-lying quad stretch 
8. Knee grab and fully extend 
9. Standing cross-body lat stretch 
10. Standing inner thigh 
11. Standing chest and back combo
12. Standing double hamstring and lower back

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