Strength and Core

1 year ago

300-rep workout 6 exercises, 5 reps, and 10 continuous sets
Warm Up 
High knees 20; high knee pulldowns 10; spotty dogs 10; chest extenders; hip openers 10;
Strider stretch 10
X 3
Main workout 
Sumo squat 
Press up. 
5 Sit up to Hip Up 
5 plank rotation
5 Burpee
5 Upward/downward Dog 
*1 minute recovery* 
Core Superset 
3 x 1 minute Plank 
3 x 10 back extensions 
Cool down/recovery
Static stretch recovery:
Standing hamstring, standing calf, standing chest, standing back, shoulder stretching, standing quad, standing lat reach
x 3 
Each flow-through with the trainer takes approximately 15 seconds.

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