The continuous 20 & deep stretch

11 months ago

Flow through 20 contrasting full-body toning and cardio moves, rest or recover when needed, and enjoy the rewarding flexibility at the end.
Warm-up: ankle circles, torso twists, hip openers, leg kicks, striders, step-back heel planters, shoulder circles, chest extensions.
10 reps
x 2 
Main workout: 

Jogging on the spot 
Press Up
Speed Skaters 
Power Climber
High-energy elbow to knee
Curtsey Lunge 
Lateral shuffle 
High-energy knees with pull-down 
Plank Shoulder Taps 
Sumo Squat
Crab-Position Toe Taps
Side Lunge 
Squat Punches
Plank Jacks 
Cross-country ski arms 
Mountain Climber
Running Lunge 

20. Squat thrusts
Cool down/recovery: Gradual pulse lowering with marching on the spot and walking for around 2 minutes. 
Deep stretch: flowing through the following stretch routine 
Standing cross-body lat/ standing Inner thigh/standing chest/upper back/tricep/standing quad 
seated or standing hamstring/seated inner thigh/kneeling or standing hip flexor
seated or standing hamstring or standing quad

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