CBS: Obama Promised to Reverse Patriot Act, Expanded it (But Trump is Hitler!)

11 months ago

Washington (CNN Article) -- President Barack Obama signed legislation Thursday evening extending several key provisions of the Patriot Act shortly before they were set to expire at midnight.

The provisions -- passed after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack -- deal with roving wiretaps, the tracking of alleged "lone wolf" terrorists, and the ability of law enforcement officials to obtain records they deem relevant to an investigation after securing an order from a federal court.

The bill passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate earlier in the day.

Obama, currently on a trip to Europe, directed the use of an autopen -- a signature reproduction device -- to sign the measure, according to White House spokesman Nick Shapiro.

The House was forced to briefly delay the start of its Memorial Day recess to vote on the measure. A protracted dispute over the legislation in the Senate, fueled by conservative newcomer Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, muddied voting schedules.

Paul reached a deal with Senate leaders to allow votes on whether to table two of his amendments. Both amendments failed, and the subsequent Senate vote on the measure to extend the Patriot Act provisions for four years passed easily on a 72-23 vote.

The 250-153 House vote was tighter, with lawmakers on the right and left opposing an extension for various reasons. For example, some members of Congress are concerned about the law's impact on civil liberties, while others support the law but think it should be made permanent.

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