Low Impact Cardio and Full body Mobility

7 months ago

A great combination of cardio moves combined with mobility can increase fitness and improve joint strength.
Warm-up: The main workout starts gradually with a lower-level first set to incorporate your pulse-raising warm-up. 
Main workout: 30-second cardio/30-second mobility 
1. Jogging on the spot or hip opener 
2. High knee pull-downs or leg kicks 
3. Spotty dog/cross-body toe reachers 
4. elbow-to-knee/chest expansions
5. Low-impact ski or knee grabs 
6. Mountain climber/body extension reacher 
x 4 
Cool down/recovery: 
Pulse-lowering light marching on the spot, combining gentle static stretches 
15 seconds of each 
Standing Inner Thigh 
Standing quad stretch 
Standing Calf Stretch 
Standing double hamstring and lower back 
Shoulder stretch 
Chest stretch 
Standing, upper back stretch

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