Cardio and Core Move superset Circuit

11 months ago

Full-body cardio with core-targeting contrasting moves 
Warm Up: Jogging on spot, leg kicks, shoulder circles (10 fwd./bk), chest expander, hip opener, step back heel planter
10 reps each.
x 3
Main Workout: 
10 moves 1 minute of each movement of a continuous circuit with contrasting cardio and core exercises
1. Mountain climber
2. Plank taps-shoulder-elbow-hip
3. Jogging on the spot
4. Kneeling Superman
5. Elbow to knee
6. Elbow-to-Knee Crunch
7. Body extension reacher

Inch worm
Lateral fast feet
Plank-hold elbows

Repeat x 2
Cool down/Recovery
Deep stretch
Childs pose: upward/downward dog, side-lying quad stretch, kneeling hip flexor, seated inner thigh
Standing hamstring combined with chest stretch, standing lat stretch, or triceps stretch.

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