Cardio Conditioning 10 step flow

1 year ago

Workout Description: Cardio Conditioning 10-Step Flow 

The program starts with a full-body mobility and cardio moves circuit, introducing many of the exercises featured in your tailor-made plan.
Take these gradually and work on learning the skill of the movement under control.
Warm-up: The workout incorporates your warm-up moves.
Workout: 10 exercise circuits
1 minute on each exercise for 3 sets in a constant 30-minute exercise flow.
1. March on the spot 
2. Shoulder Circles 
3. Hip-opener 
4. Standing shoulder press into chest press
5. Spotty Dogs 
6. Speedball 
7. Body weight squat 
8. Stride and reach 
9. Leg and arm curl combo 
10. chest and back stretch combo 
Recovery/Cool down

The exercises incorporated into the circuit are low-level, but if you need to reduce the intensity towards the end of the 30 minutes to bring the heart rate down,.

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