20240218 Day 679 Part-3 - FAQs: “I’m traveling and my hotel has dumbbells, What can I do?”

1 year ago

20240218 Day 679 Part-3
FAQs: “I’m traveling and my hotel has dumbbells and a cable assembly. What workouts can I do?”
Instead of “workouts” or “exercises” think, “movement patterns.” Think, “hinge,” “carry,” “squat,” “press,” “pull,” etc..
Want to squat and there’s no barbell? Do a goblet squat for instance. Bent rows? Grab 2 dumbbells instead. Think of what training effect you’re looking for and how you can accomplish that with the implements available.
For training splits, click the link to the video on my YouTube Channel here:
For sets and reps, it totally depends on the movement and how fit you are but generally hotel dumbbells go up to 50s so you aren’t going to be doing any high end strength work. 2-5 sets and 5-30 reps. Heavier things like rows, goblet squats, presses from 5-7 if that’s a challenging weight for you or 8-12 or more if it’s not. If you’re really strong, you can use intensification techniques like really long eccentrics (the negative portion of the rep) or pause reps to make the light weight more stimulative.
For legs I might for example do: Dumbell Goblet Squats, rear foot elevated split squats and dumbell RDLs. 3-5 sets of 8-12
Back: Single arm dumbell row and/or double dumbell standing bent row, seated dumbbell shrug and a pull-up, chin or inverted row assuming some kind of bar is available. That or some kind of cable row. Same set-rep scheme.
Chest: Press. Dumbell incline, flat then a flye and do 2-3 sets of pushups till failure.
So, movement patterns not exercises. What would you do on this training day given a full gym? How can you do that here? You can always go online or hire a coach but for long term success, it’s imperative you learn how to navigate these decisions yourself.
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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