This is Why Prigozhin Staged a Fake Rebellion

7 months ago

On 24th June 2024, Prigozhin and a band of Wagner troops crossed the border of Ukraine into the Russian City of Rostov-On-Don with a plan to head to Moscow and with demands to see the Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shogun and Valery Gerasimov. It was called the March of Justice and at first, was described by Western media as an armed coup. Later, the title was revised to an armed mutiny or rebellion as it was clear that Putin was not the target. After marching for several hours, in a sudden turn of events, Prigozhin calls off the march within one day. It was then revealed that the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, brokered a deal with Prigozhin to end the march by allowing him and his supposed treasonous troops to be exiled in Belarus. Despite the fact, that Putin made a televised broadcast warning that Wagner had betrayed Russia and that the perpetrators of this rebellion would be punished, neither Prigozhin nor his Wagner army were punished save for a supposed exile to Belarus. But all the activities of that Wagner force and Prigozhin after the march of justice, did not support the supposed exile. Instead Wagner were accommodated in well built military bases in Asipovichi, Belarus and began training the Belarusian army. Further, the Polish Prime Minister, began compiling that the Wagernians in Belarus were actually disgusting themselves as migrants and infiltration Poland near the Suwalki Gap and destabilising the Country. Prigozhin, was allowed to fly to Africa on several occasions and was even flown back to St. Petersburg to attend a Russia-Africa summit. So it became clear, that whoever the traitors were from the rebellion, Putin did not regard Prigozhin or his Wagner army as being such. But when we investigate Prigozhin's role in the special military operation particularly in Bakhmut, we see that he was in fact, setting the stage for this upcoming ruse since then. iN fact, he was warning Putin since his essay on 14th April, 2023 entitled "only a fair fight: no agreement" that a purge was needed in Russia as there were internal threats to Putin from the Deep State who would sabotage the special military operation. That theory is reinforced by the fact that the Soviet Union conducted a similar counter-intelligence operation called Operation Trust from 1921 - 1926 which also set up a fake rebellion to lure out detractors to the then regime. It therefore, seems that not only was the March of Justice a ruse, but a replay of Operation Trust and does to smoke out anti-Putin detractors under the pretence of a robust armed rebellion. This was the true purpose of the March of Justice, a skilful clever ruse and counter-intelligence operation that deceived both Ukraine, the West and us.

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