20240217 Day 678 Part-3 - FAQs: “I want to lose some weight. What supplements should I buy if any?

1 year ago

20240217 Day 678 Part-3
FAQs: “I want to lose some weight. What supplements should I buy? What are some of the first things I should do?”
First of all, before you worry about supplements, remember that “supplements” are that. The name says it all. If you aren’t covering some of the basics you’re stepping over dollars to pick up pennies.
So what then do I recommend you start off with? Good question and the answer is the following:
1.) WALK. Every day, at least 4+ Miles or roughly 9000+ steps each day
2.) Quit SNACKING. Not that you can’t, but besides helping with improving insulin sensitivity, it’s a powerful adherence tool. It will help to retrain your brain to stop being so food focused and using taste as a “reward” or a comfort item.
3.) Quit drinking beverages with calories. Have your coffee black without cream, drink water, tea, non-nutritive flavored beverages, etc. you’ll cut out HUNDREDS of calories just doing this alone. YES, this includes milk and juice if not in your protein shakes which count as meals by the way.
4.) Eat real food. Want a burger? Make it. Want fries? Get a potato, a baking sheet, some olive oil, slice the potato and make em’. That way you know your calorie/macro assessment of the meal is accurate and you generally know what’s in there since you made it. Not only that but you’ll likely have more nutrients per unit volume of food and obtain satiety faster.
5.) SLEEP. Not as much as possible but as much as YOU need. Not everyone needs 8-10hrs. That’s too much for me. 6-7 and I feel fantastic. Figure out what you need, then arrange your day to day to accommodate that.
Simple. Actionable. Sustainable.
Get your lifestyle sorted first. THEN, fine tune the process with a few supplements starting with a whey protein for after training but we’ll go into supplements in the next video.
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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