Flow Friday: (Rollouts)

1 year ago

This movement serves as a good primer on the road to executing a full range of motion Nordic Curl. In the extended position of both Rollouts and Nordic Curl the glutes must be fully engaged and fire first in order to complete correct and safe repetitions. #2a #totalfitness360 #health #wellness #exercise #garagegym #faith #prayer #gratitude #fitness #kneesovertoes #kneesovertoesguy ##toshindo #saveourchildren #soundoffreedom #soundoffreedommovie #angelstudios #God #Jesus #Holyspirit #paralelleconomy #fbicorruption #dojcorruption #arrestfani #Trump-Carlson #trump2024 #maga #freewill #FreeAssange #buildthewall #closetheborder #diedsuddenly #vaccineinjuries #vaccinedeaths #cdciscorrupt #goodvsevil #spiritualwarfare

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