Race Hoaxer Rachel Dolezal Sells NSFW Photos on OnlyFans While Teaching Kids

1 year ago

Thompson: “You might remember this woman, happened back in 2015, she is the white woman who was ousted as the NAACP chapter president for pretending to be black. Now she’s back in the headline for her newest jobs. She’s working as a teacher at an Arizona elementary school, while also potentially raking in thousands of dollars a month as a risqué OnlyFans model. Now, these are some photos of Dolezal working with children at the Sunrise Drive Elementary School. She’s an after school teacher there. She’s reportedly making $19 an hour in her teaching job while also selling content on OnlyFans for $9.99 a month. Promising content like an 18 image explicit collection and R-rated videos. Now the update on her life it’s going viral on social media. One person writing she shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near children, another saying setting aside the porn stuff she shouldn’t have been hired in the first place. A simple Google search was all that was needed. Unbelievable. Others are seeing a different side though, saying I see no problem with her side hustle of OnlyFans. She’s not forcing anyone to buy it. Shaun, Emma, she does now go by a different name. So the new name that she goes by is what’s listed in that elementary school as she’s listed as an employee there under her new name.”
KRAISMAN: “So an alter ego.”
Thompson: “I don’t know if it’s an alter ego, but she definitely changed her name. I mean, she —“ [crosstalk]
RECHENBERG: “She identifies as white.”
Thompson: “Sorry.”
RECHENBERG: “She identifies as the race she was born.”
Thompson: “So she won’t say that she identifies as white. She continues to talk about how she identifies as different races. From what I’ve read about her she grew up in a pretty strict upbringing and used to fantasize about being an Egyptian princess and would be whisked away to Egypt.”
KRAISMAN: “Who hasn’t.
Thompson: “Exactly. But I think she just took those — those yearnings to the next level and began identifying as black.”
KRAISMAN: “That’s unreal. Yeah. You can identify just about as anything as you want, at this point now identifying as an OnlyFans model. You know, no glass house here. I can’t cast the first stone. You know, I’m not going to judge your lifestyle or anything like that. I think the — the — the biggest takeaway here though, is working with elementary aged school — school children obviously. Perhaps there’s some sort of ethical or moral clause when you sign on to work with children, what you can engage in what you cannot engage in, even outside of the school. But in this case, maybe not making much money obviously, there at the school.”

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