MZTV 1410: The Art of Shutting Down Religious Agitators

1 year ago

Religious people hate to see others claiming to be sons and daughters of God but who, at the same time, don't work, aren't fretting over their flesh, and are visibly relaxed in the freedom they have in Christ. The principle is real, especially among the religious set: Misery Loves Company.

Even worse when these non-workers explain that God gives them the HIGHEST place in the universe, at God's right hand. This sends the religionists into fits of rock-throwing. Where rock-throwing is illegal, they resort to maligning the character of the freedom people, and shunning them.

In Galatians 5, the apostle claims that anyone truly heralding grace and freedom in Christ will be persecuted. By whom? By religious people, of course. But anyone heralding any type of law, works, or cooperative salvation ("Christ gets you started but you have to finish it") will escape this trauma. Well, the entire earth grasps the law-ish concept of "Behave or else." But the grace concept of "behavior has absolutely nothing to do with salvation" can only be grasped by a supernatural dose of spiritual insight.

Welcome to the supernatural dose of spiritual insight.


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