persvrijheid stopt oorlog - demonstratie Museumplein Amsterdam voor de vrijlating van Julian Assange

1 year ago

The hearings for last possible appeal request in the UK by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are approaching rapidly (February 20th and 21st). So, a growing number of Assange campaigners got together on Amsterdam’s Museum Square (Museumplein) in the Netherlands, on Saturday, 10 February 2024. With chants, speeches, banners and flyers, campaigners tried to inform passersby about Assange’s dire situation. Two people from DiEM25 gave a speech.

DiEM25 is also hosting a meet-up on so-called ‘Day X’ in Café Utopie in The Hague (20 February, 18:00–21:30 hours) where several speakers will give their view on the Assange extradition case. That same day, a protest will also be held in Amsterdam. In the days leading up to Day X, campaigners will go for a walk through the city of Amsterdam, handing out flyers. #FreeAssange

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