"Cry Baby Holler" by Philip Adams and The Unknown Outlaws

1 year ago

"PoPaBiLLy MuZic Song Library", oiginal Song #3. Unknown Outlaw, Philip Adams, is a singer/songwriter/producer born and raised in Garland, Texas. "Cry Baby Holler" is a song idea that originally came from Philip Adams' friend Merle Kilgore. Merle is in the song writing Hall of Fame, co-wrote, "Ring of Fire" with June Carter (back when June and Johnny were falling in love), and he was Hank Williams Jr.'s manager. Back then, Rosey Carter (June's daughter) was Philip's wife, and they first heard about the song from a friend known as Poo Bah, (Don Mealer). Philip was intrigued with the song and visioned a different story behind it. Rosey naturally wanted to hear his version, so she put him up to the challenge of writing and producing it. Rosey always called Philip a "word smith". They spent hours writing songs together and helped many other songwriters polish out some of their songs. Rosey and Philip's version of, "Cry Baby Holler" made the grade and got a thumbs up from Merle. Merle's remark was, "it looks like we have two versions of the song." How about that! This song is a creative representation of Local/Rural "Americana/Virginiacana" Folklore, this is a song about a Holler! A valley within a valley. This is definitely a Blue Grass Hit, with a catchy cadence. The fiddle crying in the background croons you through the living lucid dream of hiking in an icy harrowed holler. The expressive emotional melodic sound mounts to a bone chilling height of senseless temptation that lures and traps you within the haunt of "Cry Baby Holler"!!!

CAUTION: This song is about a tragedy that involves the death of an infant due to an illness and results in a haunting. It is intended to be a creative representation of rural folklore. Viewer discretion is advised.

"Cry Baby Holler" performed by Philip Adams, Words & Music by Philip Adams, from the PopaBiLLy MuZic CD production, "The Fiddler & The Rose". Please email inquiries to popabillymuzic@yahoo.com.

PoPaBiLLy MuZic, LLC is an independent publishing label founded, created, and owned by Philip Adams and his late wife Rosey Carter of The Carter Family. Studios, sound engineers, and players that collaborate on PoPaBiLLy MuZic song tracks are employed and compensated by PoPaBiLLy MuZic, LLC. All original songs/tracks are executively produced, published, and protected under copyright of PoPaBiLLy MuZic, LLC publishing.

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