"Master of My Soul" by Cleda Jane, Philip Adams, Bobby Keel, & Wayne Brown of The Ballistic Pintos

1 year ago

"Master of My Soul", (c) 3/24/1996, Song #60 from the, "PoPaBiLLy MuZic Song Library". Words and music by singer/songwriter/producer from Garland, TX, Philip Adams, and Nashville songwriters Wayne Brown and Bobby Keel (also of The Ballistic Pintos). Performed by Session Singer, Cleda Jane Cochran Song #60 from the "PoPaBiLLy MuZic Library". This demo was recorded in Nashville during a Ballistic Pintos recording session. Bobby Keel was tickling the keys, rehearsing for this song. One of the Pintos session vocalists began to sing the lyrics. Her vocals sounded absolutely stunning, especially with Bobby Keel's piano playing behind her! (Even though she sounds just like Cher, no, She is not Cher performing lead vocals on this cut, she is Cleda Jane). This Music Video is a beautiful marriage of words, music, and video. It manifests a palpable understanding of the intrinsic power of our Lord using breathtaking metaphoric imagery. Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near. Life is like an ocean odyssey, full of peril and chaos. Our bodies much like ships on the ocean, tossed about carried by the will of the current. The best possible course we can chart, is with our Savior at the helm, gladly steering our hearts for us to our final destination and home! God speed!!

Who are The Ballistic Pintos you ask? You can read more about them online, and/or listen to one of their songs at one of these links:

You Tube "Water Your Own Yard" ft Wayne Brown video and information

Venture Music Group Page with "Pintomania" CD and Band Bio

PoPaBiLLy MuZic, LLC is an independent publishing label founded, created, and owned by Philip Adams and his late wife Rosey Carter of The Carter Family. Studios, sound engineers, and players that collaborate on PoPaBiLLy MuZic song tracks are employed and compensated by PoPaBiLLy MuZic, LLC. All original songs/tracks are executively produced, published, and protected under copyright of PoPaBiLLy MuZic, LLC publishing.

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