What are sideshows? California cities crack down on ‘dangerous’ gatherings?

11 months ago

Headlines about deaths, injuries, arrests and police crackdowns at sideshows are multiplying across California. But what are they? Sideshows are “illegal gatherings in which groups of drivers take over intersections, city streets, stretches of busy freeways and/or parking lots to do tricks with their cars, including burnouts and doughnuts,” The Sacramento Bee reported. Crowds of spectators can soar into the hundreds, often blocking even more traffic lanes. Some sideshows go on for hours, while others clear out in minutes to avoid police. HOW DID SIDESHOWS START? The events got their start in East Oakland cruising culture of the early 1980s, KQED reported.

Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article254812367.html#storylink=cpy

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