FAA Official: We Are Looking to ‘Recruit and Retain a Diverse Population of Folks’

11 months ago

UNKNOWN: “And we’re looking at that, but we’re also looking at, really a need across the agency to recruit and retain a divorce population of folks. And as you mentioned earlier, how much that has to do with the process. What do you think are some of the key points that we need to remember as we embark on this challenge going forward?”

MCCULLOUGH: “Oh, that — that’s a pretty good — pretty good question. I think one — one of the things we need to [inaudible] is that everyone else is embarking on the same thing, right? Just across the system. So, competition is going to be — the competition is going to be — it’s just going to be really heavy. So, A, I think we need to know that. I think it’s going to take some — some creativity. You heard Tim say, and he and I had talked about it, and we’re going to — you know, are there opportunities or any partnerships with universities and trade schools that specialize, we kind of talked about from ramp to cockpit, is there some things that we want to look at there.”

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