20240207 Day 668 Part-3 - Maximum Recoverable Volume (MRV)

8 months ago

20240207 Day 668 Part-3
Maximum Recoverable Volume (MRV)
I spoke earlier about Raw Stimulus Magnitude or, the threshold you need to cross in order for an activity to stimulate a meaningful training effect.
Now I want to go the other direction and talk about not doing too much. You see, at a certain point there is just a sheer amount of work that will wreck you.
Sleep, genetics, diet, the best coaching and even pharmaceutical interventions AT SOME POINT will fail, rather, accumulated fatigue WILL WIN and you will HAVE TO recover. That amount, beyond which you’re “done,” “overcooked,” whatever term you want to use is your MRV.
This term is most often used in the context in which it was derived, hypertrophy training but it applies equally well to anything else effected by accumulation of fatigue. Conditioning miles, work hours, days traveling, etc…
How this knowledge effects you listening/reading this is that when you plan your training for the day, week, block, etc, take into account not just your training, but how sleep, diet, work, life all contribute to your accumulated stress and fatigue. Your MRV for leg training might be 20 sets. But this week you travel twice. Oh, and work a swing shift. Oh and you’re feeling kinda sick. That 20 sets now might only be 12 🤷🏿‍♂️
At the end of day, effective, sustainable training needs to have a high enough raw stimulus magnitude to move the needle, and then do that up to, but not exceeding your MRV.
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Stay in the fight 🇺🇸🇰🇪
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