"Where Did You Go, Johnny Reb?" Written & Performed by Philip Adams (Song #57)

1 year ago

A "PoPaBiLLy MuZic Song Library" Original, Song #57 (c) 3/5/2002, "Where Did you Go, Johnny Reb?". Written & Performed by Philip Adams, founder of PoPaBiLLy MuZic. Philip has assiduously performed a great deal of exhausting research, as a history enthusiast, on controversial historical events. Including the Civil War era. His knowledge and view points are based on well examined factual evidence, and not always accepting manufactured mainstream constructs or narratives created for programming. He also enjoys using this information as inspiration for his songwriting content. The battle spectrum of the Civil War era began with Bull Run (which was the first battle having blood shed). Then succeeding in South Texas at Palmito Hill (or Ranch), a month after Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox. "Where Did You Go, Johnny Reb?" was written by Philip Adams to historically memorialize the innocent lives lost, disrespected, or forgotten, who only wanted to defend their liberty and freedom from government over-reach and control. As well as hope to help others see the vision that gave birth to the Confederacy movement.

Current narratives about Historical events surrounding the Civil War have lead most to believe misconceptions about the Confederacy movement. Believing it was primarily about being pro-slavery, and preserving the practice of slave owning. That the Confederacy was a group of small-minded bigoted prejudiced supremist racists. Remembrances and the mere presence of Confederacy movement relics has caused a great stagmatism and chasm within our public, coalesing from fear and anger. And, rightfully so, due to the many observances and mere presence of many many bad examples of people outwardly living and practicing this evil mindset of thinking, and also associating it with the Confederacy movement. Out in the open view, for the general public to see and witness. You are hear by challenged though, to question those bad actors authenticity, by comparing their bad examples to what the true purpose of the Confederacy movement was truly meant to be.

The vast majority of those bad actor examples were intentional by clandestine design. To cause misconceptions and confusion about the Confederacy movement, hoping to weaken and destroy the more righteous founding principles behind the Confederacy movement. The political constructs of both sides of the Civil War (as well as for most wars, for that matter), are designed and controlled by an elite core group of power brokers with ruling authority that oversee political affairs, and overtly exercise control over controversial uprisings against their own power and control over us. The Confederacy movement threatened the power and control of this elite core group of power brokers with ruling authority.

Clandestine infiltrators were sent to infiltrate both sides of the Civil War. Coming from clandestine organizations, these infiltrators received funding and support from the elite ruling class to protect their authority and agendas. A clandestine infiltrator's duty is to portray and execute a desired storyline promoting the views and opinions they expect either a targeted or mass population to perceive. This practice, inadvertently, results in the Confederacy's belief of conserving Individual and States rights being compromised. Polluting and weakening the Confederacy's movement campaign and platform, in the eyes of the public.

If clandestine infiltrator's can demonize the Confederacy movement as being vicious pro-slavery slave owners. Stigmatize the entire movement, with examples and accusations against their platform, hosting claims of inhumane unrighteousness and all other evil beliefs, convictions, or practices. Then, the Confederacy movement will be at risk of becoming null and void. And the elite ruling authority class is able to, "endeavor to persevere" their own POLITICAL CONTROL over the mass population. By making the Confederacy movement the, "fall guy" for the existing slavery system. Then, further recruiting the freed slaves to fight their adversary for them, who was/is the demonized Confederacy. They took a population who was not voting or fighting, freed them, and turned then into a population of voters and soldiers, loyal to their lies.

Many died fighting to abolish slavery in the Civil War. Only to find it being reinstated by the Union's Commander General, in the form of political policies, as a result of the Act of 1871. The Union was the optic hero in our Civil War storyline, with the, "Emancipation Proclamation". Only to find that the so-called "freed" slaves from that era was again trapped within a system that uses it's legal system and political policies to enslave people with taxes, wars, perpetuated social identity crisis, perpetuated anything that can create a crisis crisis so the elite ruling authority class can take away more of our rights and freedoms, and maintain control and power over us, all of us, "we the people".

It is POLITICAL CONTROL that enslaves all people. By creating the illusion that POLITICAL CONTROL is the great emancipator champion (like for example the events surrounding the Civil War) it allows THEIR, "endeavor to persevere" to continue. Which is, to say, their ability to maintain power and control, over us, the masses, "we the people". Thus, for THIS reason, there are many who still do support the remembrances and legacy of the Confederacy movement. Which was to fight for conserving Individual and States rights. To prevent POLITICAL CONTROL and over-reach.

So, you see, there are clandestine organizations and systems employed to perpetuate the idea that movements like the Confederacy movement is about being social bigots, and hateful racist supremists. But, for most, this could not be further from the truth. Any party affiliated with the Confederacy movement possessing a negative hateful inhumane oppressive ungodly unrighteous prejudice racist supremist ideology are either hired actors (clandestine infiltrators) portraying this storyline or narrative for achieving desired political motives/outcomes, or they are really lost souls with a HUGE misguided misconstrued understanding of the truth about the Confederacy movement. Please pray for them, God help them.

This is the elite ruling authority class' method of operation, guaranteeing suffocation of any opponent's or adversary's political/social movements. It is to infiltrate an opponent's group or movement with bad actors that will perpetuate a negative storyline, which will discredit and stigmatize their group. Providing a storyline of an evil deviant nature sabotaging their opponent's campaign. Overall, weakening their opponent's targeted group or movement's objective, causing a descent in the movement's following.

It is a practice used by clandestine organizations, and it is controlled and funded by elite classes and groups of people who have ruling authority. Elite classes and groups of people with ruling authority are our true slave owners. They take away our rights and freedoms whenever there has been a constructed crisis. They want to make all decisions for us, concerning us (and they don't do it with our benefit in mind, only theirs).

One statistic from the Civil War era cited 95% of Confederate soldiers who fought in the Civil War were NOT slave owners. And there is a narrative that also tries to keep reducing that statistic. But, the Confederate soldiers were poor folks fighting to preserve their own independent way of life. FREE from POLITICAL CONTROL and over-reach. The people who owned slaves from that era were the elite ruling authority class of people. Who hoped the result of the Civil War would give the illusion that slavery was an abolished concept, while preserving a political system that would again enslave a mass population of people.

The elite ruling authority class of people designed a political system (corporation) that would ensure the continuation of enslavement of, "we the people". They used the Confederacy movement as their scapegoat, to perpetuate the myth that slavery was an abolished concept that they conquered, so that they could be trusted. Insuring that all their POLITICAL CONTROL and policies would stand and become effective in achieving their agendas. Strikingly similar to how they want us to trust them and allow them to enslave us within fifteen minute cities. Currently being planned, constructed, and pushed on us.

This is the same elite class and group of people with ruling authority of today who prints and controls the money we depend on. They lie to us about and control our resources, and they use all this control and power, again, to benefit themselves first, and not for, "we the people's" best interests. Thus, THIS is the true nature and spirit of and where the true origin of the Confederacy movement derived from. So, Where Did you go, Johnny Reb?????

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