The Unchanged, Unchanging, and Unchangeable

11 months ago

February 26 - The Unchanged, Unchanging, and Unchangeable
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God/Source’s love for us is unchanged, unchanging, and unchangeable. To know this is to know yourself, your foundation, the truth within. God is love and love is all, yet within the ego’s illusionary world of duality there exists opposites to love, such as fear, anger, and hatred. These are all temporal in nature, only perpetuated by our support of them. They are not the truth in us, and thus their ‘reality’ ebbs and flows depending on our state of wakefulness. The more we support them as real, the more real they become, and a greater part of our life they will be. Equally so, the less we support them; the sooner they start to dissolve into the nothingness from which they came. Today we honor our Creator by seeing and experiencing His creations exactly as they were created. We honor the world by experiencing and participating in it with love and some of its expressions such as trust, peace, joy, forgiveness and understanding. And we honor the truth in us by seeing it in, and reflecting back from, everything, everyone, and all.
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