Gov. Abbott: ‘Insanity Is Behind’ Pre-Paid Credit Cards for Illegals in NYC

1 year ago

BARTIRMO: “Let me get your take on what’s going on in New York. We understand now New York is going to be spending $53 million to come up with prepaid credit cards for the illegal migrants. What do you think’s behind this? Why do they need prepaid credit cards?”
ABBOTT: “It sounds like insanity is behind it because it’s really so offensive. It’s maybe the most reprehensible thing that I’ve a seen take place over the past 48 hours, when you see police officers in New York City being beaten by illegal immigrants in this country, who should not be in the country in the first place, and then, after they engage in this crime against a law enforcement officer, they are let loose back out onto the streets. What’s going on in New York is outrageous, and Americans across the entire country are angry not just about what’s going on in New York, but the underlying cause for it, which is Joe Biden’s open border policies.”
BARTIROMO:” And why do you think Joe Biden has this open border policy? What is your thinking in terms of why he continues to do this? In the last two weeks, the president said he’s known that the border is not secured, he’s known it for 10 years, he said. He doesn’t have the power. Even though on day one he walked into the Oval Office and reversed all of President Trump’s security at the border.”
ABBOTT: “Yeah, so you make a very important point. That is, Biden says he needs Congress to give him the power to do whatever he needs to do to secure the border. The fact is, as we all saw from what President Trump did, the president of the United States has the power. I must emphasize this: there is an obligation, there are laws in the United States that require the president to deny illegal entry of any Illegal immigrant, and then if they do get into the United States, he has a legal obligation to detain those illegal immigrants. Joe Biden is failing at both of those duties, and that’s exactly what gives Texas the authority to make sure that we can step up and secure our own border and protect our own state through self-defense.”
BARTIROMO: “Governor, we’ll be watching your efforts to secure the border in Texas and for America. We so appreciate your time this morning. Thank you, sir.”
ABBOTT: “Thank you, Maria.”

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