Actor Michael Rapaport Flips Out on ‘Cadaver’ Biden Over Migrants Beating Police in NYC, Says Voting for Trump ‘Is on the Table’

1 year ago

RAPAPORT: “This is why I say voting for pig (bleep) Donald Trump is on the table. Voting for pig (bleep) Donald Trump is on the table. The other day in New York City, six illegal aliens jumped a New York City cop. NYPD’s finest. They jumped a New York City cop in Times Square and were arrested and released without bail.’ I know, it’s a city thing. I know, it’s a state thing. I know all that. I know all that! Okay? Stay with me. Released without bail! Came out of the court on some Tupac, raising the middle finger with the Detroit Red Wings jersey. Let me tell you something. What the (bleep) is the world coming to if you could be from another country, beat up a cop in New York City and walk out with no (bleep) bail? What the (bleep) is the world coming to? What the (bleep) is the world coming to?! I know, Mayor Adams, you’re from Brownsville, Brooklyn. I know this (bleep) is like, ‘What the (bleep) have I gotten myself into? Stay with me. On the same day that that happens, cadaver Joe Biden issues an executive order about four (bleep) — quote, unquote, ‘settlers’ — in Judea, Samaria, AKA the West Bank, some troublemakers, three of the four have already been arrested. You issue an executive order about four troublemaking (bleep)-ups who have already been arrested in Judea, Samaria, while there’s a war going on, while there’s 100-plus hostages still being held in Gaza. You’re talking about that, but you got nothing to say about (bleep) beating up cops in New York City, the greatest city on earth? Maybe my city is not the greatest city on earth anymore if you could beat up cops — if you could beat up cops in the ‘greatest city in the world’ and be released without bail. Are we the greatest city on earth? Cadaver Joe Biden, we see you! We (bleep) see you! Don’t worry about those (bleep) in Israel. They be goddamned. Israel will take care of them. Worry about cops getting beat up in Times Square and walking out with no bail like (bleep) Tupac Shakur. Worry about that (bleep)! This is why voting for pig (bleep) Donald Trump is still on the table.”

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