20240203 Day 664 Part-4 - FAQs: “Explain the Difference Between Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load.”

1 year ago

20240203 Day 664 Part-4
FAQs: “Explain the Difference Between Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load.”
Before we get started, I want to remove this discussion from a “good” VS “bad” context and submit there are (fewer) some, best use scenarios for cultivating a greater insulin response.
Ok, so this ties into my earlier post on White and Brown Rice as well as my, “Stop Snacking!!” Post.
GI (Glycemic Index) and GL (Glycemic Load) are terms used to describe and quantify the insulin response, as in how much is released when a single food item (GI) is consumed VS the aggregate effect (GL) of a meal or grouping of food items.
With GI, generally the simpler the carb, the higher the GI. For instance oatmeal, a complex carb has a LOWER GI than table sugar, a simple carb.
The distinction between Glycemic Index and Load comes into play when you combine food items in a bite/bolus or when we want to measure the insulin response to an entire meal.
When combined with fiber and/or protein, the combined insulin response from even simple carbs like the sugar in bbq sauce for instance, is lowered.
This is why I recommend eating “meals,” a protein PLUS something, and not “snacks” which usually means a carb, probably a high GI one, by itself.
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