How to unscrew your life.

1 year ago

Get back on the right track in 5 steps.
#1 Take responsibility for every bad thing that happens in your life.

#2 Fix your sleep schedule by removing any distractions, 30 minutes before going to bed. (put your phone in a different room so you aren't tempted to check it)

#3 Fix your diet, so that you perform optimally. Another thing is exercising consistently so that you can sleep easily. What you put into your body is what your body is going to give back to you, so if you are eating junk food, your body is going to function like junk. Going to the gym will help with anxiety, uncertainty, or a unfocused and clouded mind. You don't need to do much in the gym, start off with a push, pull, split. If you don't know what that is, google it. You have to go to failure in the gym. Thats the best way to make progress and improve your health drastically. Below will be various resources for you. A good gymbro will push you past your perceived limits so you can get those last reps in.

#4 Meditation. I mentioned this in the video, but I don't believe I was clear enough to what I mean. Set a timer for 5 minutes today and cross your legs and sit on the bed. Close your eyes and stop thinking and try to attain a unclouded and peaceful mind by thinking about nothing. Meditation will calm you and help to control your thoughts and your mind from racing.

#5 Attack your problems. This wasn't in the video because I forgot to mention it, but I had it in my notes. But some of the problems in life you just have to hit it again and again and again until it works. Some things you have use sheer willpower to get what you want. If you keep on working and don't give up eventually, you're going to get something right no matter how many times you fail. So, attack your problems with brutal efficiency.

MyFitnessPal for calory tracking:

Macronutrients calculator, and just fun to look at:

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