Serial Killer Peter Tobin #truecrime

8 months ago

Peter Tobin

This is a terrifying case that should have been totally avoidable. On February 25 2006 a young woman named Angelika Kluk disapeared from Glasgow Scotland where she was working a summer job at a Church. The day she vanished, she had been helping the church’s handyman Pat McLaugin. Police interviewed those who had seen her last. Hours later the McLaughlin fled the city. Investigators soon found out that his name was in fact Peter Tobin and that he was a sex offender who had assaulted 2 14 year old girls in 1994.

As the search for Angelika continued, a secret chamber was found beneath the floor of the church with Angelika's body inside. She had been bound, beaten, and assaulted, then stabbed at least 16 times. Investigators would soon link Tobin to 2 other homicides, that of 15 year old Vicky Hamilton and 18 year old Dinah McNicol in 1991. Both were found buried at one of his former residences. He was convicted of the crimes and sentenced to life in prison, but considering his prior arrests, one has to ask why he was not still behind bars. And thats why...

The evil man who would go on to take at least 3 lives was born on August 27, 1946 in Johnstone, Scotland as the last of 8 children to Daniel and Marjorie Tobin, just a year after the end if WW2. Peter would get into trouble at a young age and was sent to an approved school in 1953 at only 7 years old. An approved school is essentially a reform school for delinquent children, though it did not seem to be effective as he was later sent to a youth detention facility.

Some believe he was behind the bible john crimes in Glasgow which occurred from 1968 to 1969 when he would have been in his early 20s, but the timelines do not match up unless he was traveling a fair distance to commit these homicides. Though This would explain why the culprit was not caught during the police searches in the city.

He got married to a 17 year old girl named Margaret Mountney in 1969 when he was 23 years old while he was living in Brighton England. Because of this police ruled him out as a Bible John suspect since he was out of the area for the final 2 homicides though he looked quite similar to the composites made of the unknown monster.

It seems like it would be easy enough to get a confirmation or rejection by asking the witnesses who saw Bible John. In 1970 he would be arrested for burglary and forgery, which may have been one of the final straws for his wife as they separated in that year then divorced in 1971.

2 years later, in 1973 Tobin married a 30 year old nurse named Sylvia Jeffries and the 2 had a son named Ian that same year. In 1975 they had a daughter named Claire, but sadly this second child would pass away soon after being born and the couple divorced in 1976. His ex wives described Tobin as a well dressed psychopath who was initially charming but who would turn violent once a relationship was established. And this seems to be the case as he would get married a 3rd time in 1989, this time to a woman named Cathy Wilson.

The couple had had a son named Daniel, 2 years before the wedding. In 1990 they moved to Bathgate Scotland before getting a divorce. Unlike his previous wives, Cathy did not take their son when she left Peter.
He would use young Daniel as a tool to put 2 girls at ease 1993 before attacking them, this was after he had already taken the lives of 2 young women while Daniel was in his custody.

The first of Tobin's known homicides occurred on February 10 1991. 15 year old Vicky Hamilton had been waiting for a bus in Bathgate. She was never seen again, but Vicky's purse was found on February 21 in Edinburgh. At the time, Tobin was living just a mile from the bus stop she disappeared from, but it would be more than 15 years before her family would discover what had happened to her.

Just months after Vicky Hamilton disappeared, Tobin was once again on the prowl for another victim.

18 year old Dinah McNicol was last seen hitchhiking with a friend from a music festival in Liphook, England. They accepted a ride from a man with a Scottish accent who dropped her friend off then drove with Dinah who would never be seen alive again. After her disappearance, someone would use her bank card to withdraw well over 2000 lbs from her account.

6 weeks later Peter moved into a house at 50 Irvine Drive in Margate. His neighbors described him as a normal guy who had his son, Daniel on the weekends. But there were signs of the horror that hid behind his mask of normality. A neighbor named David Martin once saw him digging a huge hole in his yard. He jokingly asked if Tobin was digging to Australia. To which the creature replied that he was making a sand pit for his son.

The truth was that he was digging a grave for his 2 victims and shortly after this exchange the hole was filled in. One has to wonder where he was keeping the young women's bodies up until this point and how he was able to escape detection.

Though his first homicides would not be discovered for many years and not until after he had committed a 3rd he would find himself in legal trouble for 2 attempted homicides. While living in Leigh Park, England, on August 4 1993 Peter met 2 14 year old girls who had come to visit a neighbor who was not home.

He lured them into his apartment to wait and they entered willingly, after all how could a man with his young son mean them any harm? He then held them at knife point and forced them to drink alcohol. Once they were intoxicated, he assaulted them which I think its clear at this point what is meant by this term in my videos, but he would also do what the British refer to as buggery. A funny term for an evil act that is not at all funny or acceptable.

Once he was done, he left the 2 unconscious teenagers in the apartment with the unlit gas stove on in an attempt to suffocate them. Thankfully they both survived the ordeal and Tobin was forced to flee. As he would do later, he found refuge among a religious community, settling in Coventry and joining the Jesus Fellowship using a fake name. He would not be able to escape the law, and he was arrested in 1994 when his car was identified in Brighton.

On May 18 of 1994 he plead guilty for the disgusting crimes he committed against the 14 year old's and he was sentenced to 14 years in prison which does not seem long enough. however Tobin would not even serve the full sentence as he was released in 2004 after only 10 years, how is it that the worst people always seem to be released early and somehow their prior crimes are not exposed?

After his release, Tobin disappeared without the permission of his parole officer from the town of Paisley, where he was living and began going by the name Pat McLaughlin after attacking a neighbor, and an arrest warrant was issued.

He found work at St. Patrick's church in Glasgow. This church had other problems as it turns out that the priest, Father Gerry Nugent, was abusing young women at the church including a 23 year old polish student working a summer job at the church named Angelika Kluk.

But Angelika would not only have the priest to contend with. She was on friendly terms with the handyman who she knew as Pat McLaughlin, and on the day she disappeared Angelika had been helping him paint a shed.

This of course led police to interview him when she went missing, which led McLaughlin to flee, before the police could complete their search of the Church.

Investigators soon came across a place where it appeared as if the floorboards had been tampered with. When they pulled up the carpet they found a hatch 28 inches by 18 inches. Beneath this, was Angelikas body. She was bound and gagged and she had been badly beaten with a blunt wooden object and stabbed at least 16 times.

Upon seeing the extreme level of violence, investigator's did not believe that this was the handyman's first time and the search was on.
Meanwhile a woman in the community came forward to police with Tobin's real name. While all this was going on, the creature had slipped away to London where he adopter yet another name.

Luckily, a nurse recognized him from the news reports at a hospital and called the police. Constable Alan Murray approached the man who had been reported and Tobin readily admitted to his identity.

He was initially brought in for violating the terms of his release so police would have time to build their case.

His shirt and watch had DNA evidence linking him to the Kluk homicides. They would also begin operation Anagram which was an investigation into Tobin's past to see what other skeletons he had in his closet.

This was when they established his former his former addresses corresponded to several disappearances.
On June 4 2007, police searched the home he had been living in when Vicky Hamilton went missing and found a hidden dagger that was determined to have residue that was a close match to Vickys dna despite the years that had passed since the crime.

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