Western Media: Condemn Russia But Give Israel A Free Pass?

8 months ago

This video based on a Guardian Article entitled "Why do America's Liberal Hawks attack Russia while giving Israel a Free Pass" explores how Washington's political elite, the Liberal Hawks- Anne Applebaum- Historian and Taff Writer at the Atlantic, Michael McFaul- Former US Ambassador & Max Boot- Washington Post Columnist, have hijacked the mainstream media influencing how we perceive America's foreign policy and its so-called enemies. It revealed how biased and hypocritical the media has been in its reporting of Russia's invasion into Ukraine as compared to Israel's genocide in Gaza. All three liberal hawks, similar to neocons, cited Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch to condemn Russia for alleged war crimes yet remain silent when these very same institutions have reported on Israel's genocidal bombardments of Palestinians in Gaza. it discusses how America's disastrous wars in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan were advertised by these liberal hawks as defending democracy and freedom for the populations when in reality it only brought chaos and destruction. The time has come for us to throw away these people and demand that the profound injustices committed under America's hegemony in the world come to an end. and it starts with Israel.

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