Watters Features Migrant Caravan Docu: ‘Biden Has a 100% Approval with Migrants, at Least They Can’t Vote, Yet’

1 year ago

>> Jesse: another huge migrant caravan is launching out of southern Mexico right now gaining steam as it heads up here. Today we’re finding out what and who is behind the millions of migrants breaking into the country. Documentary filmmaker, Anthony ruben, went to south America and then traveled with the caravan all the way up to our border. Wicked jungles, death trains, cartels, he was there the whole time. It started in Colombia, where nonprofit groups like the Red Cross are giving migrants maps to help them get here.
>> Consider this map. Which shows the route from Colombia to the United States. And marks 12 U.S. border crossing points with flags. Many similar maps are distributed by other organizations. This map distributed by the Red Cross shows the route from Panama to the United States in pain-staking detail.
>> Jesse: we reached out to the Red Cross and they say their work is strictly humanitarian but there is nothing humane about any of this. Not for the American people or the migrants. The filmmaker went through a gap, a deadly Jungle that migrants have to cross to go north.
>> It’s so crystal clear how people are dropping dead left and right. If you hurt yourself there is zero way you’ll get out of the Jungle and add to the danger people attacking you. Criminals on the route. Extremely dangerous. Children walking by crying. Like right here. This is the trail of tears.
>> Jesse: if you survive the darian gap you’re put into a temporary refugee camp run by the U.N. Migrants are given another map and told America is that way.
>> After illegal aliens exit the darian gap and enter Panama they are transported out of the Jungle by boats and buses, and moved into panamanian refugee camps. It’s here that illegal aliens are processed and given the aid and instruction necessary to continue their journey to the United States. So-called migration route maps can be found everywhere.
>> From there you pay off the cartel to get into Anthony and he joined a highly organized caravan whose leader held a crucifixion with the words containment is my death etched in it. The next stop, all aboard the migrant express. They call at this time train of death. A freight train that smuggles migrants across Mexico and does Mexico stop it? No. At around 1:00 A.M., conductors intentionally stop the train about one mile from the NGO and cartel members assist in the board process.
>> Jesse: every step of the journey is facilitated by nonprofits. Hebrew nonprofits, French nonprofits. They are making it easier to break in, maps, trains, food, and once they get here there is no resistance. The door is wide open and the migrants are grateful.
[Speaking in Spanish]
>> President Biden or President Trump?
>> Biden.
>> Biden.
>> How do you like Joe Biden?
[Chanting Biden]
>> Biden has a hundred percent approval rating with the migrants. At least they can’t vote.

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