For Australia: A Pledge to Break the Duopoly By Senator Papahatziharalambrous

11 months ago

For Australia: A Pledge to Break the Duopoly By Senator Papahatziharalambrous

G'day, legends of this Great Southern Land! It's your mate, Senator Papahatziharalambrous, and today, I'm throwing down a fair dinkum pledge for the heart and soul of our beloved Australia. So grab a cold one, kick back, and let's talk about a vision that's as Aussie as a snag on the barbie.

My Fellow Aussies, if you get me into Parliament, I will do the rest #ForAustralia!

What do I mean by "For Australia"? I mean ripping up the playbook of the tired old duopoly—the ALP and LNP—that have been tag-teaming our nation for eighty long years. They've sold off a quarter of our land to the CCP, traded away our unique Aussie way of life, and worst of all, weakened the bonds of the Australian family. By the way, when was the last time your council rates, electricity, gas or water bills went down? Yeah, never. It's time for a change, a real change.

Renouncing the Duopoly:

Let's take ownership of our vote, chuck out every politician riding the duopoly wave, and reclaim the liberties, the greatness, and the private lives we've lost. It's time to say, "Nah, mate, we want, and we're taking our country back."

My Pledge to You:

"I promise to resign if I break one election promise or go against any policy in the For Australia Manifesto. My word is my bond. I'll chuck all my wages back into the public purse and face prosecution for fraud. How many pollies can say that? We deserve this standard in public service. I've even aced a national police check, and I'll be putting forward a bill for all sitting politicians and future candidates to pass a Working With Children police check. Let's be as transparent as the crystal-clear waters of Bondi Beach."

So, join me, your potential Senator, in this ripper journey #ForAustralia. Let's crack open a new chapter where politicians do what they're meant to — serve the people, protect our land, and make Australia grouse again.


Senator Papahatziharalambrous, For Australia!

For Australia Manifesto: Freedom, Democracy and Families.

God Bless Australia!

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