TheDimNews LIVE: DeSantis Drops Out of Race | Supreme Court vs. Texas

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


how much do I need to drop to have one of your geese ducks to suck my pipe?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex just rants on and on, you vcannot stop her
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I tried sticking my tongue on her bagina, she just kept ranting
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no matter how much I wiggled it
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she is still going

JQuickDraw Supporter Winky you should write a memoir. Your life is a series of quite saucy adventures.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ even when she sits on your fave, she keeps fucking talking
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you can tickle her clit or stick that tongue on her arse, alex just keeps talking
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Hi alex

JQuickDraw Supporter It's an outside chance, but I am hoping this is the seed of what will grow into a full-blown fracturing of the union.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no, not a goose duck
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ a geese duck ffs I'm not a pervert
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the ginger needs help to enter Bev
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ alex pushes him in
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I refuse to apologise
you are both gay duck geese
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ wtf is that
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ who is that faggot?

JQuickDraw Supporter But remember that without funds and resources from the federal government, a not insignificant number of light blue states would most likely flip back to red.

RonGreen1 Rhonda Santis buys his shoes from Nikki Haley.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Greetings from your bagiga
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I am indian, your bagina is lovely

jbsx Mame How I love you How I love you My dear old
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I just try to make these cunts laugh
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I just want them smiling, especially alex, she is a foxy bitch

JQuickDraw Supporter Mamie? That's a little too close to Auntie Mame.
thrasybulus There's a saying: There are no blue states, only red states with blue cities.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Für das deutsche Vaterland! Danach lasst uns alle streben Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Sind des Glückes Unterpfand; Blüh’ im Glanze d
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Unity and justice and freedom For the German fatherland! Towards these let us all strive Brotherly with heart and hand! Unity and justice and freedom Are the foundation of happiness; Flourish in the r
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ uber allles

jbsx Vivek put out the message and Desantis sucked money outta the opposition
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ link this on rumble

JQuickDraw Supporter @WinkyWankyWoo Hey that's good stuff. I could get behind that message.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ its the white lives rule message
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ MOVE AWAY FROM NOGS

JQuickDraw Supporter white? I think that's a little too broad lol.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ DUGGA DUN DUGGA DUN

jbsx no
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev, your eye shadow is fucking perfect
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Move away from nogs....
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Move away from nogs
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I ballance my bev isnsults with compliments
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ texas gives everything
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ cali gives nothing

RonGreen1 If you buy a used car from Ramaswamy, be sure to get that extended warranty.👍
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it;s kermit
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I honestly love her eyeshadow
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ and Bev does eyeshadow better than any girl I've ever seen

JQuickDraw Supporter Texas has its own power grid too. It's really pretty solidly positioned to be its own country.

RonGreen1 It's a creampuff. - Ramaswamy Used Cars
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ texas has boots lol
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex is doing jew hands lol
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the aughts?

JQuickDraw Supporter No she's doing Italian hands.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ hey
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Gabbabaldii

RonGreen1 What are the six flags that have flown over Texas?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I'd eat her raviolli
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ your eyeshadow is fucking perfect babes

JQuickDraw Supporter Ron Paul, the last true statesman

JQuickDraw Supporter Ron Paul, a man of honor in a den of thieves

JQuickDraw Supporter Anyone who gets that last quote, you're cool with me

RonGreen1 Spain, Mexico, France, Republic of Texas, Confederate and US.

RonGreen1 And that concludes tonight's history lesson.
thrasybulus France because of Napoleons conquest of Spain.

RonGreen1 Cop takes a knee for Black Lies Matter.😂
thrasybulus France had Texas, but only sold the US the Louisiana Purchase.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ this song

JQuickDraw Supporter Why is the word "not" in quotes?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ A thing or two
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ my shine worse of

JQuickDraw Supporter Also, using marijuana, if anything, would mellow her out.
thrasybulus A car is a lethal weapon.

RonGreen1 Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of the Mexican's defeating the French.
thrasybulus Maybe she can get that Cali pot defense sentencing.
thrasybulus Pot induced psychosis is a thing.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ ok this is for beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter It wasn't the marijuana.

JQuickDraw Supporter No, I mean it was just what she claimed,
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ your eyeshadow is giving me an erection bev

JQuickDraw Supporter There are always outliers, but it doesn't pass the smell test.
thrasybulus Mexico's defeat of France is from after Mexico got free of Spain during the US Civil War. Generations after the War of 1812/Napoleonic Wars.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ they dont read it
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you can type anything lol

RonGreen1 The other girlfriend left the country in fear for her life.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ did you get left ron?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ women are bitches
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ If I was a goose, I'd peck at alex's vaginal lips
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ see, they don't read this
thrasybulus She claimed the last hit drove her over the edge and it's the only one she says the BF forced her to take. Jury didn't buy it. Judges matter.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ what
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ can we play this
thrasybulus Drugs have no side effects. The commercials lie.

JQuickDraw Supporter Except SSRIs. Just throw them at young adults like candy, then cover your eyes. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

JQuickDraw Supporter So the dude was so violent that one (of how many?) girlfriend fled the fucking country? But the other girlfriend was like, yeah I'll just toke up with him, it's all good?

JQuickDraw Supporter Seratonin Storm sounds like a band name.
thrasybulus There are no studies of long term use of SSRIs in children because it would be illegal/unethical.

JQuickDraw Supporter Actually the school shootings are the studies. I'll stop now.
thrasybulus Johns Hopkins take lots of Bloomberg money. He was trying to become the Dem pres candidate back then.
thrasybulus A future respiratory pandemic is always inevitable.

RonGreen1 Bloomberg flooded my mailbox with daily flyers when he was running for president.
thrasybulus JHs' School of Public Health is named after Bloomberg. It in no way influences their antigun "public health" advocacy.
thrasybulus I suggest funding Kerry's dream by making the Heinz corporation pay a 90% tax on its annual gross income.

RonGreen1 What comes after quadrillion? A Brazilian.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter Quintillion
thrasybulus Quintillion

JQuickDraw Supporter But I am not sure which is bigger - a gazillion or a bajillion?
thrasybulus Isn't the percentage of co2 barely over the percentage, like 0.00015% over, the amount needed to support life as we know it?

JQuickDraw Supporter We can't feed the planet with climate change, so we need to destroy farms so we can eat.
thrasybulus His money comes from his wifes family. The Heinzs, as in condiments.

RonGreen1 They're coming after Beverly's goose farm next.

JQuickDraw Supporter Do you like Catsup or Ketchup more?

Egerog :)

Egerog I think pentillion after quadrillion
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ this

JQuickDraw Supporter He looks like an ancient giant from the bible with a full head of hair.

RonGreen1 A raccoon died, so John Kerry could have hair.
thrasybulus John Kerry totally not lying his ass off to Congress

JQuickDraw Supporter The climate change movement ignores the well documented fact that more - way more - people die in extreme cold weather compared to extreme heat. We are overdue for a minimal AND maximal cooling period
thrasybulus @MurderGoose2028 can feed the govts excess bureaucrats to the polar bears.

RonGreen1 Arizona has two seasons. Summer and Hell.
thrasybulus Austrailia, Canada, Alaska, and Russia are basicly unoccupied. Warmer helps at least three of those.
thrasybulus There was that freakout in the 90s about the world getting warmer. It was just the average going up because they failed to account for a bunch of Siberian weather stations being closed.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus You reminded me, with the climate warming, a lot of frozen places will become arable land again, especially in Canada and Russia.

JQuickDraw Supporter A woman giving me a good idea? Ridiculous!
thrasybulus Canada and Russia are the two largest countries in the world. A huge chunk of number 3 is Alaska. Look at Alaska overlayed on the continental US. Massive.

RonGreen1 Physics and mathematics say John Kerry should get a rocking chair, and shut up.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly being all rebellious, until the government's new grift becomes geese. Watch out for the killer geese! Then she'll become a rabid statist.
thrasybulus Veritas had a thing back in the day about how the narrative was going to change from covid to climate change. RIP PV, resurrected as OMG.
thrasybulus Wolves were not only dangerous to humans, they are also bad for livestock.

RonGreen1 Helping others can be a crime. A pastor in Ohio was charged with zoning and fire code violations for letting the homeless sleep in the church, to get out of the cold.
thrasybulus Cats know who there person is.

JQuickDraw Supporter The government at this point is like a girlfriend's shit test. They do things that on their face are antithetical to what they claim they are doing. Can't feed the homeless - for their protection. lol
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ for alex

RonGreen1 All of Beverly's neighbors wear fur coats.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter Fur coats are preferable to furry coats.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ this is why
thrasybulus @JQD Depends on whether you can get a license to hunt/trap furries.

RonGreen1 A woman getting raped may scream and wake people up. How inconsiderate.
thrasybulus Polar Bears are rediculously scary.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ are we racist or just protecting women?

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus No no no, imagine if you bag one. Do you want to touch them to dispose of the body?
thrasybulus Polar Bears are the largest land predator on earth. Their abilities to hunt things, even people are terrifying.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she did it with animaks
thrasybulus @JQD I concede.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ caw caw caw caw#

JQuickDraw Supporter Imagine coming face to face with a cave bear. They went extinct with the megafauna a long time ago, but they dwarfed anything walking around now.
thrasybulus Daniel Perry?

RonGreen1 In Alaska, some villages have polar bear patrols.

JQuickDraw Supporter Pandas will threaten to sit in front of you and not procreate.

JQuickDraw Supporter Kinda like my ex girlfriends haha

RonGreen1 The Juneau airport has a huge polar bear on display.

JQuickDraw Supporter Wow all this metric hate lol
OakPoke Supporter Mettic is degenerate anyway.
OakPoke Supporter 12 is better. easier to make a quarter l, third... can't do that in metric as easy

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 How do they train the polar bears to patrol?

RonGreen1 @JQ 🤣
OakPoke Supporter hello and good evening ladies and fellas
thrasybulus Been searching for this.
OakPoke Supporter lol where do they get thr saw
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ wait...where did all the men go
thrasybulus There is a law that you have to have a rifle capable of killing polar bears if you are traveling through the NW Passage over Alaska and Canada. They smell you from miles away and actively hunt people.

Guyinroom83 We should ask a bears consent before shooting it.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ what did winky do?

JQuickDraw Supporter CBDCs are bad. They're very bad. I talked to experts and they told me, "Don," they said, "CBDCs . . . are not good." And I won't let them into this country. My wall will stop them all.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ winky is a spastic cunt, don't trust him
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ bev went on a gay cruise
thrasybulus Is there an archive or cache of that thread?
OakPoke Supporter Gilligan's island onky went on a 3 hour tour...
OakPoke Supporter only*
thrasybulus It's easier to win than to lose with dignity.

Guyinroom83 No human being is illegal ladies

Guyinroom83 Pregnancy cravings hits again

JQuickDraw Supporter "There is no award of costs." The highest office in the nation violated the highest law of the land and in so doing stole money from its citizens and branded them as traitors. SORRY! Now move along.
OakPoke Supporter Your condo has stairs? fruit roll ups we're great in
thrasybulus Forget fruit rollups. Get fruit leather.

JQuickDraw Supporter fruit jerky
OakPoke Supporter I figured a condo was just one story. shows what I know.
thrasybulus Let's not even bring duplexes into this conversation.

RonGreen1 Apartments should be called togetherments.
OakPoke Supporter Duplex cookies aren't bad

JQuickDraw Supporter Differences between apartments and condos - Mennonites? Sounds biblical.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev....marry me

JQuickDraw Supporter It would be so easy to aggravate Beverly with a simple email: hello, beverly, how Are yOu ? i Am WELL,,
OakPoke Supporter Now that all the damage is done....
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you can bring your geese
thrasybulus When Canadians say the Charter it's like when Americans say the Constitution.

JQuickDraw Supporter Bugles, Funyons, Munchos, Pringles, Triscuits, Wheat Thins, pick your poison.
thrasybulus @HoboEater wants carbs.

Guyinroom83 associated press flour?
OakPoke Supporter Yes. mix with ap unbleached flour. You could also mix with a bread flour.

JQuickDraw Supporter Doritos, Combos, Cheez-its

Guyinroom83 the future will be food divided on party lines
OakPoke Supporter don't get bleached flour. it's the worst.

RonGreen1 Put lemon juice and powdered sugar on a pancake, then roll it up.
OakPoke Supporter Ron that sounds English. good stuff.

Guyinroom83 yuck

Guyinroom83 that's one my 700lb life sounding food hack. spray cheese added onto anything

JQuickDraw Supporter Jesus, spray cheese in Bugles? Really? We are a decadent civilization lol.

JQuickDraw Supporter Yes, I get it, Beverly. It's just . . . a lot.
OakPoke Supporter I made a blueberry syrup tonight with crepes in mind

RonGreen1 Pancakes are just crepes with baking powder.
OakPoke Supporter she doesn't have a terrible rack.

JQuickDraw Supporter She needs to ease up on the eyeliner and grow out her hair.
OakPoke Supporter I don't trust her but know nothing about her...

Guyinroom83 my sister had a roommate who left snacks and food in her bed. she was... not skinny, believe it or not

Guyinroom83 what a scumbag this guy
OakPoke Supporter Women should grow their hair longer. cough cough 😃 cough cough
OakPoke Supporter Guy is some kinda Crumb Bum.

JQuickDraw Supporter They were meeting in the slaughterhouse to avoid being recorded.

Guyinroom83 that almost seems like it was a politicial stunt or some psy-op. its too crazy

Guyinroom83 the fact it was recorded and released
OakPoke Supporter Maybe he flirted with her and is married

Guyinroom83 I hate crepes

JQuickDraw Supporter She was really playing to the recorder. "I am above this reprehensible behavior. We owe our allegiance to the legacy of our founding fathers. America!"

JQuickDraw Supporter Sorry, I don't know all the terms for make-up. I call it eyeliner. 🙂
thrasybulus Short hair does give a more lesbian vibe from a woman.
OakPoke Supporter Alex I thought you were from CA. Didn't know you were an AZ gal.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Born and raised.
OakPoke Supporter Jquick for.sure

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't think most people in this group would have lasted more than a couple of weeks in CA from 2020 on.

RonGreen1 I say the Mormon Church/Sinaloa Drug Cartel owns Arizona. What say you, Alex?
thrasybulus Sleep. Night.

RonGreen1 Beverly has that cool vampire hair.
OakPoke Supporter @Alex right on. I remember Ernest Hancock of freedomsphoenix dot com said the elections are sketchy, years agp
OakPoke Supporter Night thrasy

Guyinroom83 Beverly wears a wig.

Guyinroom83 "the Canadians"?

Guyinroom83 I thought Jayne lynch was a lesbian
OakPoke Supporter my ma made crepes for me as a kid and I use Alton brown's recipe for crepes. Even an uncle made crepes. huh. we're not French.

Guyinroom83 She seems super les
OakPoke Supporter Curtis probably looked better in a wig in that movie trading places

Guyinroom83 Why the long face? Lol!
OakPoke Supporter Alex has a longer Nordic style face. ask the black women for extensions 😉

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, you could start a conspiracy channel like some of the women on YT. They make videos about bigfoot or missing persons while slowly putting on make-up and getting ready to go out.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex blew mormons
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ bev has lovely hair

Guyinroom83 Does Nordic = the tall whites (aliens?)

Guyinroom83 What a Fuckin Crepe.
OakPoke Supporter nice on recipe!!... I'm from Minnesota. Ate a lot of lefse too

Guyinroom83 I just don't like crepes, I like French toast a lot

JQuickDraw Supporter The Nordics are the tall white aliens, yes. Fun fact, the aliens that accosted Betty and Barney Hill were dressed like Nazis.
OakPoke Supporter I thought crepes are superior.

Guyinroom83 Crepes I just would want pancakes instead
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ but alex looks italian
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she has the eyes and ears and the nose, she is italian
OakPoke Supporter Oosh black eh. so you're like 1/32 black?

Guyinroom83 You only say that bc you know she's Italian winky

JQuickDraw Supporter Well, I usually enjoy several creeps for breakfast. As to my definition of the word "enjoy" above, I leave that to your imaginations.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ my great grandma is italan

Guyinroom83 Weird it doesn't look thin
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ me and alex would make then happy
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I have the celtic colour, blonde, but the italian thickness to my hair

RonGreen1 More Arizona news. What's going on with the Gilbert Goons?
OakPoke Supporter Alex your mom's size is? Figure longer face is kinda a Nordic phenotype. Square heads...
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ alex doesnt have a square face
OakPoke Supporter Lefse' , sounds like leff suh. lol... it's a superior Nordic tortilla... made with leftover mashed potatoes and flour, butter, etc

Guyinroom83 Eggs Benedict arnold

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't eat breakfast, sorry. 🙂
OakPoke Supporter winky well it was an insult from round heads... not that head is square
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ her head is not round or square though
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex has a lovely head shape
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she has an italian nose
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ but her head shape s lovely

JQuickDraw Supporter I didn't expect a foray into phrenology and sexology tonight. And yet here we are.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ when she gave me head last week, I was like, she is not freankenstein]
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's getting worse
OakPoke Supporter lol

Guyinroom83 It's all filters winky. The real shape is closer to a giant marshmallow
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ can we roast her over a fire?
OakPoke Supporter He was probably a crook. Probably was a mule running money
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I admire alex for not losing it and going mental at us over this shit
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ shut up alex, I am roasting your marshmallow head on the fire bitch
OakPoke Supporter simmer down winky
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ never
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I am Scottish, har me fart

JQuickDraw Supporter It's the federal government. They lost them? Print enough money to replace them. And fire the idiots who "lost" them.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex...Oakpoke want to smell your bum
OakPoke Supporter lost indeed...
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ he wants both nostrils up there and have a wild snort of your scent

RonGreen1 President Beverly will abolish the income tax. Vote Beverly!

JQuickDraw Supporter That is too much text. Not reading that essay lol
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ oak regretted sniffed winky wanky wonk hole at this point
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I tried to vote bev, but my ballot paper was made of fish

JQuickDraw Supporter President Beverly calls a meeting of all FBI agents. "Please put your phones in the basket." "We'll get them back after the meeting, right?" "Well, about that. I also need you to put in your jewelry."

Guyinroom83 This means war, lake!

RonGreen1 He sounds like a little bitch that got stood up on prom night.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ make the split arse stop talking

Guyinroom83 Read this in daffy duck voice
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Guy, whose gash would you rather eat, bev's or alexs?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's a legitimate question

Egerog relaying a bribe and threats with naming names make you the briber/ intimodater
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex, Beverly, I scared your simps with a question lol

RonGreen1 How much you want to bet this guy was recording also, to release a tape of Kari Lake taking a bribe. 😂

Guyinroom83 I need to hear a full reading of that at least 3 more times erl
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ PLAY THE KEYTAR BEVERLY
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ sweet home alabhmamamama

RonGreen1 When Beverly is president, she will let me print my own money. 👍 Vote Beverly!

Guyinroom83 Daddy duck has the crazy speech impediment.

Guyinroom83 And says 'and this means war '

Guyinroom83 It's filters

JQuickDraw Supporter Why is she dressed like a 20 year old about to go out to an Iron Maiden concert?

Guyinroom83 Lay offs suck, but layoffs for mainstream media, eh, probably good

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh god, that vocal fry. Please make it stop.

Guyinroom83 She lies about her age too btw

Guyinroom83 The vocal fry gives her type away

JQuickDraw Supporter Also, either wear the microphone on your shirt like it's meant to be use,d or get a normal mic.

Guyinroom83 Man... I almost wonder if she's a professional troll. That was too cringe

JQuickDraw Supporter Michael malice had the best reply tweet to this, showing Randy from South Park after jerking off and exploding.

Guyinroom83 People think she lies about her age too
OakPoke Supporter I miss Limbaugh.

Guyinroom83 Yeah right. I don't believe she's not using filters

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly like a dog with a bone on that Margot Robbie age thing.

Guyinroom83 Girls get very jealous of Margot. It's a shame. Maybe one day Erl will stop 'punching down'

Guyinroom83 Hurt people... Hurt people, Erl.

JQuickDraw Supporter "We have treatments for cancer, but you've already got cancer, so what can we do?"

JQuickDraw Supporter "We certified it already. See, it's got the official stamp on it right there. So it has to count."

JQuickDraw Supporter Biden ACTS older, and it contributes to how he appears.
OakPoke Supporter John "Can I get me a huntin license here?' Kerry.

Guyinroom83 Punching down is when women go after other women.

JQuickDraw Supporter I thought it was a dig at Beverly's excessive height
OakPoke Supporter Height? How tall ?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I would punch you both in the tits
OakPoke Supporter Whoa 5 7" Bev

Guyinroom83 It's Punching down bc.. Margot needs support and doesn't get enough recognition or fame.

Guyinroom83 Idk. Just go King with the punching down thing

Guyinroom83 Along
OakPoke Supporter Alex 5'5"?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ and i'd tweak your nipples as I punched

Guyinroom83 Margot is 4'3".
OakPoke Supporter Ayoo don't do Dat man
OakPoke Supporter Indians love their sticks

JQuickDraw Supporter I could watch this all day.

JQuickDraw Supporter It cheers me up when I'm down.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ dugga dun
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ playnthis on rumble

Guyinroom83 Do you guys remember when Taylor Swift got mad at Tina fey and Amy poehler for some joke years ago and said "there's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women."

Guyinroom83 Not making that up
OakPoke Supporter Do not recall that at all
OakPoke Supporter 6 years wow. Shocking.

RonGreen1 Theft with any violence, or displaying a weapon, becomes robbery.

JQuickDraw Supporter This reminds me of the guy who tried to rob the Las Vegas vape store a year or so ago, and the guy behind the counter pulled out a knife and stabbed him, and he screamed "I'm dying!"

Guyinroom83 Tina fey didn't back down at least

Guyinroom83 Alex, it's illegal to not care about Taylor swift

JQuickDraw Supporter Sea urchins??? Whaaa?

Guyinroom83 @jquick lol. Sounds like Jason movie dialogue

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Look it up. He actually narrates his stabbing lol. "He stabbed me! I'm dying!"

RonGreen1 Octopus is like eating rubber.

JQuickDraw Supporter Man, we're meat-eating experts. I have never been so proud to be human.

Guyinroom83 @JQuick does that prove simulation theory?? NPC glitch??

JQuickDraw Supporter Not sure, but there are a lot of glitches lately.

Guyinroom83 i can't imagine Cat tasting good at all
OakPoke Supporter Some Nords still eat horse. Danes anyway.
OakPoke Supporter Idk about the rest of the world.

JQuickDraw Supporter The Danes eat their whores? Based.

Guyinroom83 especially 'oscar' the unclean. that's my name for Erl's cat

Guyinroom83 ill take tabby, medium rare.

JQuickDraw Supporter These numbers are not standardized for size. We eat less cows than chickens, but I would venture we eat more cow meat per pound.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oysters are super dense nutritionally, but they sound nasty to me, even more than liver.

Guyinroom83 There are Wegmans in South NJ, and they even opened one in NYC I think

JQuickDraw Supporter There are Wegmans in central NJ too.

Guyinroom83 Not allowed to say that if you haven't been to NJ. You need to experience it.

Guyinroom83 Ugh Taylor is a cunt
OakPoke Supporter NJ was pretty nice once...they've destroyed so many states, or done much damage

Guyinroom83 There's no way that's true alex
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ for bev

Guyinroom83 Yeah, but in grocery stores, etc

JQuickDraw Supporter NJ is the Garden State, kinda like calling the fat guy "Little John." But we all play our part. The anus is an important part of the body, ignored or not.
OakPoke Supporter Taylor swift has 2 or 3 songs with more than a billion views on youtube
OakPoke Supporter @Alex don't feel so bad. I don't listen to much radio , and i watch less TV. I don't know new music. I listen to podcasts n stuff I know
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ we can play music on rumble

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah, I haven't listened to the radio since like 2000. Been watching shows and movies through the internet without cable since like 2010.
OakPoke Supporter Part of swift's songs have been in some commercial...I recognized one of part of her songs.

Guyinroom83 You did hear them but just don't know it. You are infected
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ never heard a swift song
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ never want to
OakPoke Supporter @JQuickDRaw I got sick of tv, movies...Don't know much new of either
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex...can I play a song for you?

Guyinroom83 Swifts whole discography was uploaded into the mRNA shot

Guyinroom83 She's a narcissist imo
OakPoke Supporter mid 2000s Itunes turned music I ripped off of my CD onto my computer into some weird format...I didn't ask it to. I uninstalled Itunes and have never been back
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ can I link a song for you alex?

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke If you just search through Amazon, Netflix, Vudu, etc., you can find some little known gems. It's like panning for gold, but you will find cool shit with patience.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ ALEX
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ can I link a song for you
OakPoke Supporter Probably true...I kinda liked LIlihammer (spell check)...Sill from The Sopranos goes to norway...2 seasons, had issues, but I liked a silly mobster show that took place in Norway.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ ALEX

RonGreen1 Boxcar Willie has better music than Taylor Grift.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ ALEX
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Can I link a song for you LAEX
OakPoke Supporter Boxcar WIllie is supposed to be a good tomato variety...Haven't tried it yet.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ back street boys ffs
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ This is my song for Alex

JQuickDraw Supporter I just ignore Taylor Swift. No hate, it's more like apathy. Now Bryan Adams, Mark Knopfler, or Britney Fox? I hate their music. HATE.
OakPoke Supporter It's time to ban Rap...Falco is allowed. First European rapper. Amadeus
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I have the best songs

RonGreen1 My sister is a great wrapper. You should see her at Christmas time.😂
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ dance with me ladies and walk with me to this tune
OakPoke Supporter !!!
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ that is me

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Rubicon was an awesome show, circa 2009, about deep state agents turning on each other, full of paranoia. Cancelled after 2 seasons, but they completed their major storyline by the end.

Guyinroom83 Eminem went full TDS
OakPoke Supporter Pewdie Pie's "Bitch Lasagna" is a fantastic rap diss on Indians. More specifically an indian company, but indians as well

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 She must get torn up when the season is over. 😁
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no no no no

RonGreen1 @JQ She feels like she's been ripped in half and tossed on the floor
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ please stop
OakPoke Supporter @JQuickDRaw Rubicon. Ok sounds interesting. I felt that way about "Jericho" from maybe 06...
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no suger ffs
OakPoke Supporter I can't imagine putting sausage or spicy sausage in a lasagna. To me it's ground beef
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ yeah it's mince

JQuickDraw Supporter The meat isn't as important as the sauce. It's the sauce that tells you whether they know how to make Italian dishes or not.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ SAYTAAAAY
OakPoke Supporter Fair point Bev on it's more work...I've made lasagna a dozen times or so
OakPoke Supporter Rosemary or taragon wow...I never use either :)
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ alex rubs rosemary deep in and the infused it with her thumb
OakPoke Supporter What about Cottage Cheese instead of Ricotta?
OakPoke Supporter Alex I think all noodles will work, but some I think are maybe even designed for it
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ only if she has an infection
OakPoke Supporter No cottage either wow
OakPoke Supporter Oh man.
OakPoke Supporter 4 percent cottage cheese, LARGE CURD is the best. Mmm now I want it
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ what

RonGreen1 Mix the spaghetti, meat and sauce together. Put in a baking pan. Cover with mozzarella cheese. Baked spaghetti. 👍
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ ginger added his sperm bev
OakPoke Supporter I added mozz and parm to leftover spaghetti tonight. Was great...basically a lasagna, true.

JQuickDraw Supporter Bake it into a flaky roll for a stromboli.
OakPoke Supporter @Alex Alton brown said spritz some lemon juice to stop the cheese from stretching so much...I've never tried it, idk if it'll work
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ cheeeeese

Guyinroom83 lasagna kinda sucks
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ CHEEEEEESE

JQuickDraw Supporter Just get a sausage parm sandwich instead of lasagna. Or baked ziti.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ sing along you cunts
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ dim or otherwise
OakPoke Supporter lol its 100 percent over

JQuickDraw Supporter That is one fake smile, like she knows she's full of shit and she enjoys poking the MAGA bear.
OakPoke Supporter yes it's dems hoping to upset trump, since they don't have a primary to vote in or caucus
OakPoke Supporter Yep, she's a paid shill. More neocon garbage

Guyinroom83 ...and I'm cunty
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the fuck is that democrat
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's a clinton plant

JQuickDraw Supporter She's the happiest big loser in history. Trump is utterly destroying her and she's just chirping on about her chances.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ am not merican
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's a fucking plant

JQuickDraw Supporter She came in 3rd in one state and said something like "This is a teo horse race."
OakPoke Supporter Yeah, she did worse than deSantis and he dropped out
OakPoke Supporter I hope Trump deports Nimrata.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the dimcunt theme song
OakPoke Supporter Taylor Lorenz and that DeLuca biznitch. Horrid whores

Guyinroom83 Wow
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ they eat minge

JQuickDraw Supporter "...who don't follow unjust laws." - translation: "I can decide what laws are unjust and lat people I like do as they please, while making life miserable for people I hate."

Guyinroom83 Why doesn't he take in migrants in his own home?

Guyinroom83 Every American should take in at least one migrant family.
OakPoke Supporter Nice
OakPoke Supporter I would deport Hanania...He got in trouble for saying some based things about blacks, I think, years ago...just the same he has issues. He's weird. He looks weird.

Guyinroom83 I'm so sick of hearing about brown people. (Almost as sick as I am of seeing them am I right)

JQuickDraw Supporter Whenever someone mentions "white people" they can be safely ignored. Even a cursory knowledge of history will tell you that white people don't get along with each other.

Guyinroom83 Aw She skipped my racism

JQuickDraw Supporter I agree, every citizen needs their own personal F-16. I'm starting to like Biden now.

Guyinroom83 Everyone knows 'brown" is an ethnicity

RonGreen1 @JQ A Harrier would be easier to park.

JQuickDraw Supporter Judges? Is he going to create a wall of dead people like in the movie 300?

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 Some jet fighters can take off straight up like a helicopter.

Guyinroom83 Lol... Before the recession

Guyinroom83 I love how he goes 'but look!' when he's lost

JQuickDraw Supporter Jesus fucking Christ. This is getting ridiculous. This is like an angry drunk uncle at Thanksgiving, saying crazy shit and making everyone uncomfortable.

RonGreen1 Biden got trolled big time with a backwards hardhat and two guys with a Trump thumbs up.🤣

Guyinroom83 But look! My pro...uh my uh.. but come on uh my uh

Guyinroom83 Just you know, the thing

Guyinroom83 This is all gonna just make winky go crazy

JQuickDraw Supporter "Get to know you clitoris. Say hello to it. Give it a name. Speak with it every day. Send it postcards when you're on vacation."

Guyinroom83 The movie alien was just about vaginas?

JQuickDraw Supporter So if you have an acerbic wit, does that make you a vagina mouth?

JQuickDraw Supporter "Do not use lysol in your vagina."

Guyinroom83 Don't underestimate it. The vagina will destroy anything it comes into contact with

Guyinroom83 Wtf is wrong with vaginas. Penises seem so simple now

JQuickDraw Supporter "What shape is your vagina?" "It's a rhomboid!" "Yay! Vagina power!"

JQuickDraw Supporter Lovecraft wrote about non-Euclidean vaginas.

Guyinroom83 Some vaginas are called Dim-ginas.

Guyinroom83 If really does sound like Lovecraft lore

Qriist Supporter nerrrrds

Qriist Supporter what the actual fuck did I walk into

JQuickDraw Supporter "Babe, we're not compatible. It's like a round peg and a square hole."

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm so surprised, I'm pelvic-floored.

Guyinroom83 Is this a full novel

JQuickDraw Supporter "Other advantages of a healthy pelvic floor are more efficient time travel and greater life span."

JQuickDraw Supporter It's sounds like the wonder twins, Vulva and Vagina. "Shape of, a slug!"

Qriist Supporter Anyone remember that old Genesis game Earthworm Jim? I suddenly have new insight on the meaning of Queen Slug-for-a-butt's name.

Guyinroom83 Kegels and Bagels

Guyinroom83 If probably is some cafe somewhere. Portland?

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RonGreen1 Gnite all 👋

Qriist Supporter Why did you say Nikki Haley twice?

Qriist Supporter "I learned a lot about Biden and Nikki Haley and Nikki Haley"

Qriist Supporter Do you think Biden accurately determines a woman's vagina shape when he sniffs her hair? Like coochie lidar.

Guyinroom83 👋

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